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Team Wort rides the Short Bus *img heavy*
Posted By: Phoenix_9286 <>Date: 3/25/11 8:16 p.m.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you a story. It is a Legendary story. It is a story of bravery and daring. A story of commitment. A story of an ONI Base, four Spartans, and a Luggage Cart.

It is, in point of fact, a story of complete absurdity.

Our story begins with the assembling of a team. A team formed, at least on this night, to play Halo Reach on Legendary.

This is Team Wort. MLG 2X Ultra Pro Allstars. From left to right, Team Wort is Terry, Crystal, Myself, and Doak.

The mission began as it always does, and played like it always has. Each of us was devoted to the slaughtering of our foe, ensuring their corpses littered the ground before us in our quest to liberate ONI's Sword Base. After an hour of playing (we spent more time than was needed attempting to jack both Wraiths before giving up, not to mention some occasional bad lag) we'd broken back into the courtyard and slain the Hunter pair guarding the way up to the atrium. It was here that Terry proposed something... Radical.

"Let's take the Gauss Hog up the elevator!"

Knowing it was possible, but having never tried, we all readily agreed.

Our attempts ended poorly, and Kat was not amused.

Nevertheless, we were now firm in our resolve to take SOMETHING ridiculous up the elevator with us. It was then I suggested the Baggage Cart. It was then a Legend was born.

"Tight squeeze...", Kat said. We ignored her. Little did we know this was the most important elevator ride of our Spartan lives.

Do you think ONI had Baggage Carts in mind when they installed this?

We quickly made a new friend. He was... understandably startled and confused by our method of transportation.

Mission Parameters were quickly established. From here on out, everyone had to get from Point A to Point B on the Cart. All kills had to be registered from the Cart. The only permissible time to jump off, was for a new nearby weapon or ammo. Kat, understandably, felt left out. Or maybe that's baffled by our bravado. We didn't have time to stop and ask.

The "Short Bus" was on the move. It was time to take the Covenant to school.

Our mission was not without hardship.

Or Failure of the Epic variety. (Yes, that is a Frag Grenade stuck in the doorframe. It happened twice.)

Despite it all we pressed forward. Our efforts often taking on the appearance of Washington crossing the Delaware.

Up we continued to go. Each floor we conquered furthering our resolve to make it to the top. We would not stand for anything less!

It wasn't long, however, before Jorge pointed out what we had so conveniently forgotten.

We were understandably concerned as to how we would proceed.

Our attempts to rush the General were perilous and poorly planned failures.

It was then I was chastised for hoarding a Rocket Launcher.

With the hand-off complete, we tried again.

After several more attempts we arrive victorious and prepared for the end.

With the Short Bus converted to a gunboat, nothing could stand against us.

At long last, our mission was complete. Sword Base was reclaimed. The skies were clear. The Short Bus and all aboard stood at the top.

Team Wort. We ride the Short Bus, and we're proud of it.

Also, Bungie, you've made it really, really inconvenient to work with Screenshots now. I only get what looks to be 10 upload slots, and it doesn't start until I leave the film. I know it's been covered before, but that's kinda ridiculous. I had to upload five of these into my File Share after the fact. Furthermore, I had four other screenshots, right in the MIDDLE of when I was taking them, that claim they can't go anywhere, because they were taken offline. Aside from the fact that's stupid (I understand why, I'm venting) how the hell could they have been taken offline, when they're sandwiched between 15 screenshots that WERE taken online? I know I didn't disconnect from Live. Not unless my 360 has taken to not notifying me of it. So yeah, fixursheitbungee.

Message Index


Team Wort rides the Short Bus *img heavy*Phoenix_9286 3/25/11 8:16 p.m.
     That was fabulous. *NM*Leisandir 3/25/11 8:42 p.m.
     Re: Team Wort rides the Short Bus *img heavy*Kermit 3/25/11 8:53 p.m.
     Re: Team Wort rides the Short Bus *img heavy*Dielectric 3/26/11 12:03 a.m.
     Re: Team Wort rides the Short Bus *img heavy*Pkmnrulz240 3/26/11 10:11 a.m.

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