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Beta/leftover content on Boneyard and weirdness
Posted By: FyreWulff <>Date: 10/14/10 6:40 p.m.

Okay, I was working on a conversion of Boneyard to a smaller map for 4v4 slayer.

Now, as you may know, there are some particular objects when you are forging it. But I found something even more interesting.

There are tons of unused objects around the map, and even some Halo 3 content that is not used by the game.

First off, the Hill object from Halo 3 is in Reach. You cannot interact with it, delete it, or do anything with it at all. It also does nothing in-game, and ONLY shows up if you go select Invasion as your Forge gametype. You'll find them generally in places where you have to drain the hills to advance to the next phase - old version of the 'hill' forge object?

There's one in the general location of the inside territory, too.

They aren't fallback objects for Invasion either.. if you delete all the Invasion required objects, Boneyard no longer works for Invasion.

There's one over on the offense spawn section in phase 1 too:

Moving on. These damn things are all over the map. They look like Respawn Zone objects, but you cannot interact with these either. Interestingly, most of these are in doorways that have shield doors on them, so maybe Bungie was considering a different method of spawning in Invasion-only objects?

There's one in the shack that is in the same general spot as the Defender Phase 3 spawn. So it looks like they might have just been a generic object at one point like the Hill Marker is used now:

And before you ask, no, you can't get rid of them by spawning a Respawn Area and hitting Delete All of These.

The Upper Right spawn area has these objects in the doors AND the middle of the floor:

Bonus points! Both an Unused Object and the H3 Hill Marker in roughly the same spot, sitting in the Tank/Hog garage:

There's a bunch under one of the big shield door walls that block you from leaving phase 1. Maybe these were originally the 'safe area' markers, for making non-Box or Cylinder shaped safe areas? Or just objects left over from campaign conversion?

And finally, they surround the outside of the map, out in the cliffs. They are just floating out there, in a pattern that roughly follows the actual map. My educated guess is that these ones WERE a boundary marker of some sort - they are on both sides of the ship. Once again, you can't interact with these, and you can't even reach most of them, because they're beyond the invisible wall barrier.

So, there you go. Boneyard has some leftover objects and weirdness that only shows up in Forge. Pretty interesting to me at least. As far as I know, the H3 hill objects are not in any other map, and don't show up in anything other than Invasion at all.

fyrewulff dot com

Message Index


Beta/leftover content on Boneyard and weirdnessFyreWulff 10/14/10 6:40 p.m.
     Re: Beta/leftover content on Boneyard and weirdnesGeneral Vagueness 10/14/10 7:04 p.m.
           Re: Beta/leftover content on Boneyard and weirdnesFyreWulff 10/14/10 7:11 p.m.
     Re: Beta/leftover content on Boneyard and weirdnesAsiansOnFire 10/14/10 7:58 p.m.

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