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Another Halo blurb on VoodooExtreme
Posted By: cubanB <>Date: 10/29/01 9:46 a.m.

I noticed a little Halo praise towards the bottom of the Voodoo Extreme website. It's in the section titled "In other news..." This section is usually an area for one of the editors to rant about something. In this case, the world series, xbox, and more importantly.........HALO!! Oh, and he still stands by his statement that Halo is the "best first person shooter ever." Given that he finished it the other day.

You can check out the site at:


Read it right here:

I hope everyone remembered to set their clock back an hour this weekend (I think that's how it goes, we don't observe daylight saving here in Arizona, so half of the time we're in pacific, the other half mountain). How about those Arizona Diamondbacks? Good stuff… I'd um, talk about the World Series but apparently some of you over in Europe are on a one-day tape delay, so I won't. I really wanted to go to game two, but the tickets I was shooting for didn't come through. Oh well, ya can't win 'em all. Speaking of tickets, Tool is down here on the 30th, so I might see them on Hallows Eve. I finally finished Halo yesterday, and I'm sticking with my "best first person shooter ever" statement, as the game kicks ass from start to finish. Here are a few reasons (besides the fact that there are no bugs in the game) why I think so:

1 - Best visuals. Halo blows away every other FPS released to date and looks to have a step or two on the upcoming FPS's like Unreal 2 and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Halo should safely keep this title until DOOM 3's release (or maybe Unreal Warfare), as really, Halo is simply stunning.

2 - Best gameplay. A lot of first person shooters have tried to successfully incorporate vehicles into the mix, and other than Operation Flashpoint and to a lesser degree Red Faction, most have failed to make their inclusion anything really special. The only game I can foresee beating out Halo in the gameplay department would be Duke Nukem Forever.

3 - Best presentation. Before Halo, my pick for the game that presented itself the best would be Half-Life. With all the nice scripted events, the small talk with the security guards and scientists, and just how Valve laid the game out (that is, until the end, where things got goofy) made Half-life an exceptional game. Bungie really one-upped Valve with Halo though, and once you play Halo, chances are you'll think the same.

Now that Halo and Dead or Alive 3 are finished, I'm going to check out Oddworld, as quite a few of you requested a preview for it. Other than that, I'll whip together a little launch day Xbox buyers guide for the rest. I'm not saying that we won't post any more full previews besides those games, but besides Halo, DoA3 and Oddworld, there's really not a lot of stuff to get overly excited about.

Nope, Aliens vs. Predators 2 still hasn't come in and I'm still waiting for those postmortem interview questions to come back, but hopefully those will be here soon. I'm busy banging away on Empire Earth as well, and will be posting some coverage for that over the next couple weeks until the game ships the second week of November.

Anyhow, that's enough of my rambling; lets see what's new in the wide world of 3D news...

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