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Messages Posted (The HBO Forum Archive): 33
Most Recent Post: 11/8/01 7:25 p.m.

Been playing bungie games since PiD.

Somewhat mischievious, ocassionally vicious, can sometimes be a bit of a bastard.

Knows enough about firearms to make you slightly uncomfortable.

Remembers the days of a.g.m (and misses his killfile), and knows Louis' real name and secret weakness- well, okay, it's not much of a secret. Just make sure you don't get mushrooms on his pizza.

Can affirm that rumors to the effect that Louis is a perl script are completely unfounded. However, rumors to the effect that Louis had some part in writingHamish Sinclair have yet to be disproven.

Claim to fame: uses the handle 'Karnagé' in netgames, movies of my exploits were actually included on the Map disc of the Trilogy set. Unfortunately, Iggy only gave Bungie the ones where I sucked. I'm really much better than that. Really.

Pet peeve: games that don't let me put the ´ above the e in my handle.

Fair warning:

Thanks to Pallor for pointing that out. She's a babe, but she's taken, which just proves once again, that life ain't fair.

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