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Warhammer 40k Codex: The Flood
Posted By: turel <>Date: 12/18/04 10:04 a.m.

To go with the Halo miniatures I made - - I have been working on a Codex for each of the Halo armies. For those unfamiliar with Warhammer 40k, a Codex is a book which details the rules for best representing an army within the game. This is the 'youngest' of the three lists, and as such is the least complete of the three. The others can be found here and here

Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Flood

The Flood have a Strategy Rating of 1.

Flood Special Rules

Combat Forms: Infection forms are capable of creating new combat forms by infecting the corpses of their foes, which can create a whole host of flood in all different shapes and sizes. To clarify what enemy counts as what type of combat form, so as to avoid different interpretations of the rule, the following count as super-humanoid combat forms; Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines, Orks, Ogryns, Covenant Elites and Brutes, UNSC Spartans, Tyranid Warriors, Genestealers, and Eldar Wraithguard.
Small models (such as Gretchin, Ratlins, all Swarm models etc) do not have sufficient biomass to be infected by the Flood contagion, and as such do not become Flood when they are killed.
All other infantry types count as Humanoid Combat Forms.

Not particularly smart: the flood are not the smartest of creatures, and guard their carrier forms on the battlefield by surrounding them with combat forms.. Starting with the first Carrier form in a cluster, attach a carrier form to each and every Humanoid and Super Humanoid combat form cluster in your army. When every unit has one carrier form attached to it, start over again, until no carrier forms remain. Every unit must have an equal amount of carrier forms whenever possible, so when multiple carrier form clusters are fielded, begin attaching the next carrier form to the next combat form unit in the cycle.

All Flood models (Infected Generals, Infected Psykers, Super Humanoid Combat Forms, Humanoid Combat Forms, and Beast Combat Forms) benefit from the following special rules:

Fleet of Foot: all Flood models benefit from the Fleet of… special rule as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

We’ll Be Back: all Flood are capable of reanimation after they are killed, and it has been known for a flood to reanimate three or four times before finally going down for good. As such, all Flood models benefit from the We’ll Be Back rule as detailed in Codex: Necrons.

Susceptible to Shotguns: the flood are extremely susceptible to shotguns and as such any shotgun hit automatically wounds a flood model, although normal saving throws apply.

Resistant to sniper rifles: Sniper Rifles have little effect on Flood forms, due to their inability to feel pain. Sniper weapons, while still causing immense physical damage, have such high velocity rounds that the shot will simply pass through a Flood form without it even feeling the impact. The only way to put a Flood down with a sniper weapon is to destroy the Infection form that forms the core of all Flood forms, which is an insanely difficult thing to do, and as such sniper weapons will only wound a Flood model on a D6 roll of 6. The only exception to this are Flood Infection forms, against which sniper weapons follow their normal rules.


0-1 Infected General

Infected General
Pts - 100
Ws - D3+2
Bs - D3+2
S - D3+2
T - D3+2
W - D3+1
I - D3+2
A - 4
Ld - 10
Sv - 4+


Special rules:
Fearless: all flood are fearless, and follow all the rules as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Flood: Infected Generals are Flood and benefit from all the Flood special rules as detailed in the army special rules section at the beginning of this book.

Infected Psyker

Infected Psyker
Pts - 110
Ws - D3+2
Bs - D3+2
S - D3+2
T - D3+2
W - D3+1
I - D3+2
A - 3
Ld - 10
Sv - 4+

Equipment: Force Weapon and close combat weapon.

Special rules:
Psyker: Roll a D6, consult chart:
1 Storm of the Emperor's Wrath
2 Doom Bolt

Fearless: all flood are fearless, and follow all the rules as detailed in the warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Flood: Infected Psykers are Flood and benefit from all the Flood special rules as detailed in the army special rules section at the beginning of this book.


Super-Humanoid Combat Form clusters

Pts - 13
Ws - 4
Bs - 3
S - 4
T - 4
W - 1
I - 3
A - 1
Ld - 10
Sv - 4+

Squad: Super-Humanoid Combat forms are fielded in clusters of 6-12 models.

Equipment: Super Humanoid Combat forms are armed with a variety of medium firearms and barbed tentacles/claws/fists/severed limbs etc, which always count as bolter and close combat weapon.

Options: 2 super-humanoid combat forms may have one of the following; Flamer or Heavy Bolter at +8pts, Meltagun at +10pts, or a Missile Launcher at +15pts.

Special rules:
Fearless: all flood are fearless, and follow all the rules as detailed in the warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Flood: Super-Humanoid Combat Forms are Flood and benefit from all the Flood special rules as detailed in the army special rules section at the beginning of this book.

True Grit: Super-Humanoid Combat Forms benefit from the true grit special rule as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Invulnerable: super-humanoid combat forms have all manner of equipment that their host was carrying at the time of it’s infection, be it Covenant full body shielding, Imperial rosarius’, Orky fields or any number of other things. These trinkets, while being largely damaged - or non-functioning in some cases - still grant super human combat forms a 6+ invulnerable save.


Humanoid Combat Form clusters

Pts - 8
Ws - 3
Bs - 3
S - 3
T - 3
W - 1
I - 3
A - 1
Ld - 10
Sv - 5+

Squad: Humanoid Combat forms are fielded in clusters of 8-15 models.

Equipment: Humanoid Combat forms are armed with a variety of light firearms and barbed tentacles, which count as a las pistol and a single close combat weapon.

Special rules:
Fearless: all flood are fearless, and follow all the rules as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Flood: Humanoid Combat Forms are Flood and benefit from all the Flood special rules as detailed in the army special rules section at the beginning of this book.

0-3 Carrier form cluster
Ws - -
Bs - -
S - 3
T - 3
W - 1
I - 2
A - 1
Ld - 10
Sv - -

Squad - A squad consists of 3-10 carrier forms

Equipment - none

Special rules:

Fearless: all flood are fearless, and follow all the rules as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Living bomb: Carrier forms are filled with gas given off as their bodies rot around them. This creates an extreme build up of pressure beneath the skin, which escapes violently when the carrier form’s flesh is punctured. Carriers can cause this to happen themselves if they sense an enemy in close proximity.
When a carrier form becomes locked in close combat, or is killed, it explodes, damaging all those around it. Place the small blast marker centred on the carrier form. Any model, friend or foe, under the template takes a wound on a D6 roll of 4+.

Carrier: When a carrier form is killed, it spews out an infection swarm as it explodes. When a carrier form is removed as a casualty, replace the model with a single infection swarm.

Fleet of Foot: Carrier forms benefit from the Fleet of… special rule as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Fast Attack

0-1 Infection Form Swarms

Ws - 2
Bs - -
S - 3
T - 3
W - 3
I - 2
A - 4
Ld - 10
Sv - -

Swarms - you may field between 5-10 infection form swarms as a single fast attack choice.

Equipment - Needle sharp tentacles

Special Rules:

Small Targets: Flood Infection form swarms are Small Targets and follow all the rules as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Vulnerable to Blasts/Templates: Flood Infection form swarms are vulnerable to blasts/templates, and follow all the rules as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Fearless: all flood are fearless, and follow all the rules as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Infectious: in close combat, infection forms can infect a host with the Flood contagion, essentially turning it into a Flood combat form. Every casualty caused by an infection form is not removed from the board but laid on its side. At the end of the turn, the Flood player must make a “We’ll be back” roll for every model laid on its side. If the roll is failed, then remove the model as a casualty. If the roll is successful, replace the model with a combat form of the appropriate type (see the flood special rules section for more details). The newly created combat forms will form up as a single unit (using the highest leadership value for units containing mixed combat forms). Due to not having any biomatter to infect, Necrons are immune to the Flood contgion, and cannot be infected.

0-1 Looted bike squadron.

Ws - 3
Bs - 3
S - 3
T - 4
W - 1
I - 3
A - 1
Ld - 10
Sv - 3+

Squadron: Looted bikes are fielded in squadrons of between 3-8 models.

Equipment: the bikes can be fitted with any number of firearms, which will always count as a twin linked bolter. The rider can be armed with either a las pistol equivalent or a single close combat weapon.

Special Rules:
Fearless: all flood are fearless, and follow all the rules as detailed in the warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Flood: Looted Bikes are piloted by Flood and benefit from all the Flood special rules as detailed in the army special rules section at the beginning of this book.

Infected Beast Combat Form cluster
Ws - 3
Bs - -
S - 3
T - 4
W - 1
I - 3
A - 2
Ld - 10
Sv - -

Squad - A squad consists of 5-8 Beast Combat Forms

Equipment - Talons, whipping tentacles etc.

Special rules:
Fearless: all flood are fearless, and follow all the rules as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook

Beasts: Beast Combat Forms are beasts and follow all the Beast rules as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Heavy Support

0-1 Looted Vehicle

Flood may choose one of the following vehicles: Space Marine Predator, Eldar Falcon, UNSC Scorpion, Imperial Guard Leman Russ, Tau Hammerhead.
The chosen vehicle will always have BS 3, even if it would normally be higher.

Massive Combat Form

Ws - 5
Bs - -
S - 6
T - 5
W - 2
I - 3
A - 2
Ld - 10
Sv - 4+

Squad - A squad consists of 1-3 Massive Combat Forms

Equipment - Huge talons, whipping tentacles, barbed hooks - basically, if it’s spiky, chances are they will have it.

Special rules:
Fearless: all flood are fearless, and follow all the rules as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook

Monstrous Creature: Massive Combat Forms are monstrous creatures and follow all the rules detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.


I will add the Flood Summary at a later date.

Any ideas on what other psychic powers the Infected Psyker could have?

Also, any ideas on other models that could count as Super-Humanoid combat forms?

Message Index


Warhammer 40k Codex: The Floodturel 12/18/04 10:04 a.m.
     Re: Warhammer 40k Codex: The FloodTwelve Large 12/18/04 10:45 a.m.
     Re: Warhammer 40k Codex: The FloodE.T. the Extremely Tired 12/18/04 11:06 a.m.

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