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Warhammer 40k Codex: Covenant
Posted By: turel <>Date: 12/18/04 9:56 a.m.

To go with the Halo miniatures I made - - I have been working on a Codex for each of the Halo armies. For those unfamiliar with Warhammer 40k, a Codex is a book which details the rules for best representing an army within the game. I will start with my Covenant Codex, as it is my favourite, and one I have worked hard on.

Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Covenant

Covenant Have a strategy rating of 2.

Covenant Special Rules

Inspirational presence – Covenant Elites and Brutes count as an inspiring presence to other Covenant units. Any Covenant unit with a model within 3” of an inspiring model may re-roll one morale test they are required to take per turn. Any Covenant Unit with a model within 6” of an inspiring model may use the inspiring model’s leadership for all morale checks they are forced to take.

Berserkers: In times of intense danger, such as an Elites energy shield shorting out, or a Brute coming under heavy fire, Brutes and Elites tend to enter battle rage, charging into combat with their opponent to reach relative safety, as both species excel in hand to hand fighting. Any Covenant accompanying the Brute or Elite tend to follow them, for fear of what will happen if they don’t (Grunts tend to stick close to anything bigger than them as they are extremely cowardly, whereas Jackals are just plain stupid).

When a unit lead by a Brute or Elite (so long as at least one Brute or Elite is still alive) fails a Leadership test, they will not fall back, but will advance forward 2D6” towards the nearest enemy unit. If this takes them into contact with said unit, they will count as charging in the Covenant players subsequent assault phase. If the unit does not make contact with an enemy unit, then they will keep ‘falling forward’ until they either rally as normal, or make contact with an enemy unit. In addition, any Elite or Brute models (ONLY Brutes or Elites) in the unit will not be able to shoot at all until the unit rallies or makes contact with an enemy unit, but benefit from the Furious Charge special rule as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Hated Rivals: The Elites and Brutes, while being united as a part of the Covenant beneath the Prophets, have a barely contained hatred for each other, and will only work together when under strict orders from their spiritual masters.

As such, in an army lead by a Brute, Ultra Elites are a 0-1 choice and 0-1 Brute squads may be fielded as a troops choice. In an army lead by an Elite, Brute squads are 0-1, and 0-1 Spec Ops Teams may be fielded as a troops choice. A Brute may never join a unit containing an Elite, and visa versa.

In addition, you may never field both a Brute Chieftain and an Elite Commander in a Covenant army, although you may field two of your chosen Overlord type.

Prophet Guard: 0-1 Brute Squad OR 0-1 Spec Ops Team may be nominated as Prophet Guards; this squad and the Prophet will form a single unit and must maintain squad coherency at all times. Prophet Guards are fearless and benefit from +1 attack. A Spec Ops Team chosen as Prophet Guards may NOT be equipped with Active Camouflage.

Covenant Species

The Covenant is a collection of alien species united by under a common ruler - the Prophets. There are various kinds of alien species that form the Covenant Military structure, namely Prophets, Brutes, Drones, Elites, Grunts, Jackals and – not actually part of the military, but working closely beside it – Engineers.
Some of these species have additional special rules, as detailed here:

While the Brute species were absorbed into the Covenant fairly recently, they have asserted themselves as the Elites rivals for the favour of the Prophets, even so far as to replace the Elites as the personal guard for the Prophet of Truth.
All models with the Brute classification (namely Brute Chieftains, Brute Captains, and Brutes) benefit from the following special rules:

Immense Strength: Brutes are a simian species that resemble gorillas in stature and – understandably - are incredibly strong, making them deadly in close combat.
As such, any Brute model may make a single special attack instead of its normal attacks in close combat, striking at –1 initiative but +1 strength. When striking a vehicle in this manner, the Brute will cause a crew shaken result in addition to any other damage caused. This attack cannot be combined with the +1 strength bonus granted from the Brute Shot weapon.

Fleet of Paw – in the shooting phase, a Brute may move D6" in any direction instead of firing a weapon. A Brute may not use Fleet of Paw when part of a unit containing models that do not have the Brute special rule.

Elites are the iron heart of the Covenant, a formidable warrior race feared by most and respected by all. All Covenant Elites (namely Elite Commanders, Ultra Elites, Spec Ops Elites, and Elites) benefit from the following Special Rules:

Dual Wielding: Elites are trained in firing a weapon with each hand, and as such may Dual Wield any single-handed weapon. An Elite may fire both Dual Wielded weapons in one turn, and they must be fired at the same target. If an Elite Dual Wields two of the same weapon then it counts as having a single twin-linked weapon rather than two different weapons.
A Dual Wielding Elite has a +1 attack bonus in close combat due to having two close combat weapons.

Fleet of Hoof – in the shooting phase, a Covenant Elite may move D6" in any direction instead of firing a weapon. An Elite may not use Fleet of Hoof when part of a unit containing models that do not have the Elite special rule.

Covenant Weapon Special Rules

Some Covenant Weapons are more accurate than the norm, whether it be via targeting scopes, the ability to track their targets - homing in on them when a lock is achieved - or any number of other factors. To represent the increased accuracy of such weapons, any Covenant model equipped with any of them benefit from the Sharpshooters special rule as detailed in Codex: Imperial Guard. Which weapons grant this ability is noted in their profile in the Covenant Summary at the end of the Army List.

Volatile - Covenant Fuel Rod weapons utilise extremely volatile ammunition, which may explode under extreme conditions. To represent this, when a model carrying a Volatile weapon is killed, place the small blast marker centred on the model. Any model under this template takes a wound on a D6 roll of 4+. Any weapon mounted on a vehicle that is normally volatile is not, as the vehicle has sufficient space for stabilising agents.

Overheats – Covenant Plasma Weapons, while being highly advanced, still overheat. However, the Covenant have discovered ways of venting the excess heat in a way that renders it harmless to the wielder. This process jams the weapon for a few seconds, which could turn out to be very dangerous to the Covenant sporting the jammed weapon. Any Covenant weapon with the overheat rule, when fired (or firing twice in the case of a pistol) stands a chance of overheating. Any to hit roll of 6+ causes an overheat, and the shot will automatically miss. If two shots are fired, either from a Plasma Rifle or a Pistol fired twice, and only one shot causes an overheat, both shots will still miss. This is different to the standard 'Gets Hot' rule as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Covenant Armoury

Single Handed Weapons

Brute Plasma Rifle – 7pts (Brutes Only)
Covenant Plasma Pistol – 5pts
Covenant Plasma Rifle – 5pts
Needler – 10pts

Two Handed Weapons

Assassins Blade - 35pts (Elite Commanders only, one per army)
Beam Rifle – 10pts
Brute Shot – 12pts (Brutes Only)
Chieftains Warhammer - 45pts (Brute Chieftains only, one per army)
Covenant Carbine – 6pts
Plasma Blade – 20pts (Elites Only)


Active Camouflage – 20pts (Elites Only)
Full Body Energy Shielding – 15pts
Ghost – 25pts
Jetpack – 30pts (Elites Only)
Motion Detector – 2pts
Overshield – 10pts
Covenant Plasma Grenades – 5pts

Veteran Abilities

Move through Cover - 10pts
Night Vision/Acute Senses - 10pts
Skilled Rider - 10pts
Stubborn - 10pts
Tank Hunter - 10pts

Active Camouflage
Active Camouflage functions in exactly the same way as the Tau XV15 Stealth Armour. When used on any Elites that are not independent characters, the Active Camouflage may NOT be combined with Full Body Energy Shielding.

Assassins Blade
The Assassins Blade is an incredibly rare piece of wargear granted only to the most capable of Elite Commanders. It is a plasma blade of the highest quality, and is fitted with a small active camouflage generator, making it perfect for stealth attacks. The assassins blade counts as a master crafted plasma blade, and does not add the normal d6" to the spotting distance of an enemy unit attempting to spot a model using active camouflage.

Chieftains Warhammer
The Chieftains Warhammer is a huge two handed weapon that only the strongest Brute Chieftain is capable of wielding. It contains a built in electro magnetic pulse generator that can be utilised in various ways. This makes the Warhammer strike harder than it's wielder would normally be able to, and can emit blasts of electric energy at it's wielders enemies. The Chieftains Warhammer counts as a thunder hammer and allows it's wielder to use the Doom Bolt psychic power, and, although the Brute Chieftain must still pass a psychic test to use the power, it will never suffer a perils of the warp attack.

Covenant Plasma Grenades
Plasma Grenades allow for a single attack in close combat. If a hit with a plasma grenade is successful, it automatically wounds and ignores armour saves.
In addition, a model with a plasma grenade rolls 2D6 and adds the highest to its base strength when determining damage against vehicles in close combat.

Full Body Energy Shielding
Full Body Energy Shielding is a sophisticated method of protection which coats the user in a form-hugging shield which can protect the wearer from almost any blow. As such it grants its user a 5+ invulnerable save.

The character can be mounted on a Ghost, which counts as a jetbike and follows all the rules for them. See the Ghost entry in the Fast Attack section of the army list for details on the Ghost’s armaments.

The Elite is equipped with a jetpack and therefore counts as jetpack infantry. Models with a jetpack may not have Active Camouflage, as the light and noise from the jetpack would render it useless.

Motion Detector
The Motion Detector uses the same rules as an Auspex.

An Overshield grants its user a 6+ Invulnerable save OR adds +1 on an existing Invulnerable save. However, an Overshield will short out after the model equipped with it fails their first Invulnerable save, and when this happens, the Overshield cannot be used again.

Plasma Blade
The Covenant Energy Sword, also know as Plasma Blade (or the ‘Anti-Son-of-a-Biatch Stick’ by the UNSC) is a potent weapon carried by most Covenant Elites. Its deadly phase blade is formed from a shaped plasma charge emitted from energy cells in the weapons hilt, and is capable of slicing through all known forms of armour. While not a two handed weapon as such, the martial art of the Plasma Blade requires for quick shifting of the weapon between the wielders hands, and as such no other weapon can be used while the blade is active.
The Plasma Blade is a +1 Strength Power Weapon, but adds 1D6” to the spotting distance for a unit attempting to spot a model using Active Camouflage (The spotting distance will be 2D6 x 3 as normal, and then add D6 to the result rolled). A Plasma Blade may not be used by a model riding a Ghost.

Covenant Army List


0-1 Covenant Prophet

Pts – 100
Ws – 2
Bs – 4
S – 3
T – 3
W – 2
I – 3
A – 2
Ld – 10
Sv – 4+

Equipment: Prophets are equipped with a Holy Throne, and may not take any additional equipment at all.

Special Rules:
Independant Character: A Prophet is an Independent Character and follows the independent character rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Holy Throne: The Holy Throne is a Prophet’s only method of protection. It is a small hovering Throne with a built in shield generator which grants the Prophet it’s 4+ invulnerable save, a Battlenet Uplink which allows the Prophet to spread his Divine word throughout the Covenant forces, and a Fuel Rod Beam.
Although the Holy Throne uses anti gravity technology to hover a few feet above the ground, this is the maximum it can rise and as such the Prophet moves as infantry.

Divine Word: While the Prophet is on the battlefield, all Covenant units benefit from +1 leadership, up to a maximum of 10. However, if the Prophet is killed in battle this bonus is lost, and all Covenant units must take an immediate morale test. Any unit that fails this test, in addition to falling back, suffers from –1 leadership for the rest of the game.

Fearless: Prophets are fearless, and follow all the fearless rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Prophet Guard: A Prophet may be accompanied by a single unit of Prophet Guard. See the Covenant Special Rules section for details.

Covenant Overlord

Brute Chieftain
Pts – 150
Ws – 5
Bs – 4
S – 5
T – 5
W – 3
I – 4
A – 3
Ld – 10
Sv – 4+

Elite Commander
Pts - 150
Ws - 5
Bs - 5
S - 5
T - 4
W - 3
I - 5
A - 4
Ld - 10
Sv – 4+

Options: A Covenant Overlord may be equipped with 150pts of wargear and veteran abilities from the Covenant armoury.

Special Rules:
Independant Character: An Overlord is an Independent Character and follows the independent character rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Invulnerable – Covenant Overlords are equipped with an incredibly advanced version of their species respective armour that incorporates a powerful full body shield, allowing them to sustain incredible amounts of damage unharmed. As such their save counts as invulnerable.

Brutes: Brute Chieftains follow the Brute rules listed in the Covenant Special Rules section of this book.

Elites: Elite Commanders follow the Elite rules listed in the Covenant Special Rules section of this book.


0-1 Ultra Elites
Pts - 20
Ws – 4
Bs – 4
S - 4
T - 4
W - 1
I - 4
A - 2
Ld - 9
Sv - 3+

Squad – 1-3 Ultra Elites can be fielded as a single elites choice.

Options: Ultra Elites may select 75pts of items from the Covenant armoury.

Special Rules:
Leaders: Ultra Elites count as Independent Characters and follow the independent character rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Elites: Ultra Elites follow the Elite rules listed in the Covenant Special Rules section of this book.

0-1 Brute Captains
Pts - 25
Ws – 4
Bs – 3
S - 4
T - 5
W - 1
I - 4
A - 3
Ld - 8
Sv - 6+

Squad – 1-3 Brute Captains can be fielded as a single elites choice.

Options: Brute Captains may select 75pts of items from the Covenant armoury.

Special Rules:
Leaders: Brute Captains count as Independent Characters and follow the independent character rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Brutes: Brute Captains follow the Brute rules listed in the Covenant Special Rules section of this book.

0-1 Covenant Spec Ops Team

Pts - 5
Ws – 2
Bs – 2
S - 3
T – 3
W - 1
I - 3
A - 1
Ld - 5
Sv - 5+

Spec Ops Grunt
Pts - +5
Ws – 3
Bs – 3
S - 3
T – 3
W - 1
I - 3
A - 1
Ld - 7
Sv - 5+

Spec Ops Elite
Pts - 25
Ws – 4
Bs – 4
S - 4
T – 4
W - 1
I - 4
A - 2
Ld - 9
Sv - 3+

Squad: 6-12 Models

Weapons: The Grunts are armed with Covenant plasma pistols. The entire squad carries plasma grenades.

Options: Any Grunt may exchange its Covenant plasma pistol for a Covenant plasma rifle at no extra cost, or a needler at +2pts per model. Elites may be equipped with any of the following: a Covenant plasma rifle at +5pts, a needler at +5pts (both of which can be Dual Wielded – pay the cost for both weapons as normal), or a beam rifle at +6pts.

Up to two Grunts may exchange their weapons for a fuel rod cannon at +10pts per model.

The entire squad may be equipped with Active Camouflage at +5pts per model.

The squad MUST include between 1-3 Spec Ops Elites

One Grunt MUST be upgraded to an Spec Ops Grunt at +5pts, who may then select up to 15pts worth of items from the Covenant armoury.

Transport: The Spec Ops Team may be mounted in a Shadow at +75pts, or a Phantom at +150pts.

Special Rules:
Daring – So long as at least 1 Spec Ops Elite is still alive then the squad may re-roll ALL morale checks, rather than just one.

Infiltrators – if the squad is not mounted in a transport vehicle, it may infiltrate, even in missions that do not normally allow infiltrators.

Brute Squad
Brute Captain
Pts - +10
Ws – 4
Bs – 3
S - 4
T – 5
W - 1
I - 4
A - 3
Ld – 8
Sv - 5+

Pts - 20
Ws – 4
Bs – 3
S - 4
T – 5
W - 1
I - 4
A - 2
Ld - 7
Sv - 5+

Squad: 4-8 Brutes

Weapons: Brute Plasma Rifles.

Options: Any number of Brutes may exchange their Brute Plasma Rifle for a Brute Shot at +5pts per model

Squad Leader: One Brute may be upgraded to a Brute Captain at +10pts

Transport: The Brute Squad may be mounted in a Shadow at +75pts, or a Phantom at +150pts.

Special Rules:
Brutes: Brute squads follow the Brute rules listed in the Covenant Special Rules section of this book.


Grunt Squad

Pts - 5
Ws – 2
Bs – 2
S - 3
T – 3
W - 1
I - 3
A - 1
Ld - 5
Sv - 5+

Pts - 15
Ws – 4
Bs – 4
S - 4
T – 4
W - 1
I - 4
A - 2
Ld - 9
Sv - 3+

Squad: a Grunt Squad consists of between 10 and 20 Covenant Grunts

Weapons: Covenant Plasma Pistol

Options: Grunts may replace their Covenant Plasma Pistol with: a Covenant Plasma Rifle at no extra cost, or a Needler at +2pts per model.

Two Grunts may form a single weapons team with a Plasma Cannon at + 10pts

Squad Leaders: 1-3 Grunts may be replaced by an Elite at +15pts per model, who may choose up to 50pts worth of wargear from the Covenant Armoury. If Elites are included in a unit that also includes one or more Shade Emplacements, then each Elite MUST crew one of the weapons.

Transport: Grunt Squads may be mounted in a Shadow at +75pts, or a Phantom at +100pts.

Special Rules:
Cowardly: - Grunts are Cowardly, and unless a Covenant Elite is nearby they will run away when attacked. Any Morale check that a Grunt unit is forced to take when not around a Covenant Elite will count as an automatic failure.

Shade – Grunt squads may include 1-3 Shade emplacements at +15pts each as a squad upgrade.

Shade Emplacement:
Weapon – Shade Cannon

Shades are immobile, and as such, after a squad that includes 1 or more shade emplacements has been deployed (or disembarked from its transport vehicle for the first time), the entire squad may not move unless the shade is destroyed.

Special Rules:
Gun Turret – the Shade is a very hardy, easily repaired little weapon – it takes a lot of firepower to destroy a Shade completely. As such, the only way of knocking out a Shade for good is to kill the pilot. This is no easy feat, as the Shade provides ample protection to its crewer. To represent this, any model crewing a Shade doubles its base toughness.

Susceptible to Sniper Weapons: Despite all of the Shades formidable protection, they are still susceptible to snipers. An attacker with the right weapon can take down the crewer in a single shot if they can score a hit, and as such all Sniper weapons count as AP 1 against a Shade on a to hit roll of 6.

Heavy Weapon: Despite the Shade being an immobile weapons platform, they are still found in plentiful supply in Covenant forces. Covenant troops, especially the cowardly Grunts, enjoy the protection of such a heavy piece of weaponry, and as such will never stray too far away from a Shade. As such, Grunts or Elites in a unit that includes a Shade must still maintain squad coherency with the Shades crewer.

Large Target: Shade emplacements are fairly large constructs, and can quite easily be picked out from amongst the surrounding Covenant. When firing at a unit containing one or more shades, treat the shades and the squad they are part of as separate units in all respects.

Transport Vehicle: Shadow

Pts – 75
BS – 4
F – 11
S – 11
R – 10

Type – Skimmer, Tank, Open Topped
Crew – 2

Weapons – Shade Cannon

Transport: A Shadow is a transport vehicle and may transport up to 12 models (Hunters, models with Jetpacks and Shade Emplacements count as two models).
Hatches: The Shadow is an open sided vehicle and as such counts as having two side hatches, either of which may be used for embarking and disembarking.
Fire Points: Due to it’s open sided nature, the Shadow counts as an open topped vehicle, and any model inside the Shadow may fire its weapons out of the tank so long as they can draw line of site to their target, following all the normal rules for doing so.

Jackal Pack
Pts - 8
Ws – 2
Bs – 3
S - 3
T – 3
W - 1
I - 3
A - 1
Ld - 8
Sv - -

Squad: a Jackal Pack consists of between 6 and 12 Jackals.

Weapons: Jackals are armed with either a Covenant Plasma Pistol and an Energy Shield, or a Beam Rifle.

Squad Leader: One Jackal may be replaced by an Elite at +15pts, who may choose up to 50pts worth of wargear from the Covenant Armoury.

Special Rules:
Scouts: Jackals Packs are often employed as scouts in Covenant forces, and as such may use the Infiltrators special rules.

Energy Shields: Some Jackals carry a lightweight energy shield to make up for their physical fragility. Any Jackal equipped with an energy shield has a 5+ invulnerable save.

0-1 Covenant Engineers
Pts - 15
Ws – 2
Bs – 0
S - 2
T – 4
W - 3
I - 3
A – D6
Ld - 8
Sv - -

Squad: you may field between 3-6 Covenant Engineers as a single Troops choice. However, they do not count as a squad and follow the Independent Character rules as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Special Rules:

Tentacles: When forced to defend themselves Covenant Engineers will flail madly with the multiple tentacles that cover their bodies, and as such receive a random number of attacks. In addition, an Engineer in base to base contact with a damaged friendly vehicle may attempt to repair it during the assault phase. Roll a D6, and on a 4+ ignore any one weapon destroyed or immobilised result the vehicle has suffered.

Drifters: Covenant Engineers are strange creatures that use an inflated gas bag like organ on their bodies to float several feet from the ground. As such they ignore difficult terrain, unless they end a movement phase in it. If this is the case they take a single wound on a D6 roll of 1.

Tech Thieves: Covenant Engineers perform a strange roll in the Covenant Hierarchy - the understanding and assimilation of alien technologies. Engineers have the instinctive capability of disassembling and reassembling machines they have never seen before, thus learning exactly how the machine works after one or two cycles of ‘hands on’ experimentation.
Because of this, in time of great need, a Covenant Commander may call upon the Engineers assigned to him to disable a vehicle that is posing a significant threat to Covenant forces. To represent this, an Engineer may make a single attack against an enemy vehicle in close combat. Any hit against the target vehicle automatically causes a single glancing hit as the Engineer disassembles the vehicle around its awe stricken crew.

Fast Attack

Drone Swarm
Pts - 8
Ws – 2
Bs – 3
S - 3
T – 3
W - 1
I - 4
A - 1
Ld - 7
Sv – 6+

Squad: Drones are fielded in swarms of between 8 – 16 models

Weapons: Drones are armed with a Covenant Plasma Pistol.

Options: Any model may replace their Covenant plasma pistol for a needler at +3pts per model.

Special Rules:
Fly: Drones have wings and therefore count as jump infantry.

Invulnerable: Drones are extremely nimble creatures capable of dodging enemy fire, and as such their save is invulnerable.


Pts – 65
BS – 4
F – 10
S – 10
R – 10
Type – Skimmer, Fast
Crew – 1

Weapons – Twin Linked Plasma Cannon and Fuel Rod Gun
Squadron: Banshees may be fielded in squadrons of between 1-4 vehicles

Ghost Squadron

Pts - 35
Ws – 4
Bs – 4
S - 4
T – 4(5)
W - 1
I - 4
A - 1
Ld - 8
Sv - 3+
Crew: 1 Pilot

Squadron: Ghosts may be fielded in squadrons of 3-5 models
Weapons: Twin Linked Covenant Plasma Cannon

Special Rules:
Jetbike: A Ghost is a jetbike and follows all the rules for jetbikes as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Spectre Squadron

Pts - 60
Ws – 4
Bs – 4
S - 4
T – 4(5)
W - 1
I - 4
A - 1
Ld - 8
Sv - 3+
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner

Squadron: Spectres may be fielded in squadrons of 1-3 models
Weapons: Shade Cannon

Special Rules:
Jetbike: A Spectre is a jetbike and follows all the rules for jetbikes as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Heavy Support

Covenant Hunters
Pts - 90
Ws – 6
Bs – 4
S - 5
T – 5(6)
W - 4
I - 2
A - 2
Ld - 8
Sv - 2+

Squad: Hunters always stay together with their life mate, and as such are always fielded in pairs.

Weapons: Fuel Rod Beam/Cannon and Alloy Shield

Special Rules:
Fuel Rod Cannon: The hunter’s fuel rod cannon is a huge weapon designed in such a way that it may fire as either a Fuel Rod Beam of a Fuel Rod Cannon. This type of weapon is so massive that only Hunters possess the physical strength to wield it, and can fire it on the move.

Alloy Shield: Hunters carry an enormous metal shield made of an unknown alloy, which is almost impervious to all but the most powerful of weaponry. The shield, combined with the Hunter’s complex body armour, grants a 2+ armour save, a 5+ invulnerable save and adds +1 to the Hunters toughness. It can be used as a weapon in close combat, using the rules for a power fist.

Susceptible to Sniper Weapons: Despite all of the Hunters formidable protection, they have three weak spots on their bodies, one on the abdomen, one on the small of the back, and one in the neck, all of which their armour does not protect. An attacker with the right weapon can take down a hunter in a minimum of shots if they can score hits on one of these weak spots, and as such all Sniper weapons count as AP 1 against a Hunter on a D6 roll of 6.

Berserker Fury: Hunters tend to enter a berserker rage when their life mate is killed, and will stop at nothing to avenge their mate's death. As such, when one hunter in a pair is killed, the other will advance towards the nearest enemy unit and charge it if it is in range. If the hunter is not in charge range it will keep advancing in subsequent turns, until it IS in a possition to charge the nearest enemy unit. It may still shoot as normal as it advances, but it's BS will be lowered to 2, as the hunter will be too enraged to concentrate on shooting accurately.

Pts - 130
BS – 4
F – 13
S – 12
R – 10
Type – Skimmer, Tank
Crew – 1 Elite

Weapons – Plasma Artillery Cannon and 2 sponson mounted plasma cannons.

Special Rules:
Indirect – the Wraith can fire its Plasma Artillery Cannon indirectly as well as directly, following all the normal rules for doing so.


Pts - 180
BS – 4
F – 13
S – 12
R – 10
Type – Skimmer, Tank
Crew – 3 Elite

Weapons – 3 Shade Cannons

Special Rules:
Transport – The Phantom is a transport vehicle and may transport up to 20 models (Hunters, models with Jetpacks and Shade Emplacements count as two models), but only one unit may be transported at any one time.

Hatches: The Phantom is fitted with a powerful gravity lift at the rear of the vehicle, which can be used for embarking and disembarking. This works a little differently to normal hatches on a vehicle; any transported model must be deployed directly beneath and within 2” of the edges of the gravity lift.

Fire Points: The Phantom is a fully enclosed space to atmosphere dropship, and as such it’s interior oxygen supplies cannot be compromised by fire points.

Covenant Weapons Summary

Beam Rifle
Range: 36”
Strength: x
AP: -
Notes: Heavy 1/Sniper/Overheats

Brute Plasma Rifle
Range: 18”
Strength: 4
AP: 5
Notes: Assault 3/Overheats

Brute Shot
Range: 24”
Strength: 3
AP: 5
Notes: Assault 1/Blast
Range: 24”
Strength: 6
AP: 4
Notes: Assault 1

The Brute Shot is fitted with a cruel blade which adds +1 to the users strength in close combat.

Range: 30”
Strength: 4
AP: 5
Notes: Rapid Fire/Sharpshooter

Fuel Rod Beam
Range: 24”
Strength: 8
AP: 1
Notes: Heavy 1/Volatile

Fuel Rod Cannon
Range: 48”
Strength: 8
AP: 2
Notes: Heavy 1 Blast/Volatile

Range: 24”
Strength: 3
AP: 4
Notes: Assault 3/Sharpshooter

Plasma Cannon
Range: 24”
Strength: 6
AP: 4
Notes: Heavy 3

Plasma Pistol
Range: 24”
Strength: 4
AP: 5
Notes: Pistol/Overheats
Range: 24”
Strength: 5
AP: 4
Notes: Assault 1/Overheats/Sharpshooter

Plasma Rifle
Range: 24”
Strength: 4
AP: 5
Notes: Assault 2/Overheats

Plasma Artillery Cannon
Range: 60”
Strength: 9
AP: 1
Notes: Ordnance 1/Blast

Shade Cannon
Range: 36”
Strength: 6
AP: 3
Notes: Heavy 2

Special Characters

The Arbiter, Sword of the Prophets

The Arbiter was the Elite Commander responsible for the activation of the 4th Halo ringworld, and was eventually thwarted by Captain Keyes and the crew of the Pillar of Autumn. Upon his return to High Charity, the Covenant's floating space city, he was branded with the Mark of Shame, and was given a choice; die without honor or don the armour of the Arbiter, the sword of the Prophets. The Arbiter is hero without honor, hated by the Covenant and tasked with the most dangerous missions in an attempt to redeem himself in the eyes of the Prophets. His first mission - to rid the Prophets of a heretical cult leader - earned him the respect of the leader of a Spec Ops team, and a bond of friendship was quickly brokered between the two. Whenever they go into battle, they will always fight side by side if their mission allows it, and have earned a reputation as one of the most able Spec Ops teams in the entire of the Covenant.

Pts - 180
Ws - 5
Bs - 5
S - 5
T - 4
W - 3
I - 5
A - 4
Ld - 10
Sv – 4+

Equipment: Covenant Plasma Rifle, Needler, Active Camouflage.

Options: The Arbiter may not be given any additional equipment and must be used exactly as described.

Special Rules:
Invulnerable: The Arbiter is equipped with an incredibly advanced version of his species armour that incorporates a powerful full body shield, allowing him to sustain incredible amounts of damage unharmed. As such his save counts as invulnerable.

Elite: The Arbiter follows the Elite rules listed in the Covenant Special Rules section of this book.

Fearless: The Arbiter is Fearless and follows all the rules detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Mark of Shame: The Arbiter is branded with the mark of shame, and as such may only ever join a single Spec Ops team that must be nominated at the beginning of the game (i.e, if multiple Spec Ops teams are fielded, the Arbiter may only be able to join the nominated team - if it leaves the unit it may only ever re-join the nominated unit, and not any of the other Spec Ops teams fielded).

Tartarus, Chieftain of the Brutes

Tartarus is the Chief bodyguard of the Prophet of Truth, and is a brutal, bad tempered Brute possessed of a bullying nature. He rules through fear, earning him a loyal following of the Covenant he commands. While being the typical bully he is incredibly intelligent, for a Brute, and is a cunning tactician. He has a long standing rivalry with the Elite know as the Arbiter, and he believes that, had he been in charge of the activation of Instalation 04, the first Halo ringworld encountered by the UNSC, then the Demon would not have succeeded in destroying the holy ring.

Pts – 180
Ws – 5
Bs – 4
S – 5
T – 5
W – 3
I – 5
A – 4
Ld – 10
Sv – 4+

Equipment: Chieftains Hammer, Overshield.

Options: Tartarus may not be given any additional equipment and must be used exactly as described.

Special Rules:
Independant Character: Tartarus is an Independent Character and follows the independent character rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Invulnerable: Tartarus is equipped with an incredibly advanced version of his species armour that incorporates a powerful full body shield, allowing him to sustain incredible amounts of damage unharmed. As such his save counts as invulnerable.

Brute: Tartarus follows the Brute rules listed in the Covenant Special Rules section of this book.

Fearless: Tartarus is Fearless and follows all the rules detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

The Assassin, the Blade in the Dark

Little is known about the alien known only as the Assassin, except that the Prophets call him 'The Blade in the Dark'. From what little information there is about it available in the Covenant data achives, it is clear that the Assassin is not a member of any of the Covenant species currently known about. Whether it is a member of a secretive species part of the Covenent, or a mercenary hired by the Prophets is unknown. What is known is that the Assassin is a deadly foe, more than capable of taking down even the most capable opponents. Reports of it killing a Spartan II with ease are unnerving, to say the least.

Pts – 150
Ws – 5
Bs – 5
S – 3
T – 3
W – 3
I – 5
A – 3
Ld – 10
Sv – 3+

Equipment: Forearm talons, Energy Shield, Active Camouflage.

Options: The Assassin may not be given any additional equipment and must be used exactly as described.

Special Rules:
Solitary: The Assassin is an Independent Character and follows the independent character rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. . However, it may never join a friendly unit.

Forearm Talons: The Assassin has razor sharp talons protruding from the length of its forearm, capable of piercing any and all armour. They count as a pair of close combat weapons that, when they hit, always wound and ignore armour saves.

Invulnerable – The Assassin is equipped with an incredibly advanced version of his species armour that incorporates a powerful full body shield, allowing him to sustain incredible amounts of damage unharmed. As such his save counts as invulnerable. Combined with his energy shield, his save is a permanant 3+.

Fearless: The Assassin is Fearless and follows all the rules detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.


Any suggestions or thoughts on the codex would be most appreciated. Feel free to play test it for me.

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Warhammer 40k Codex: Covenantturel 12/18/04 9:56 a.m.
     Exactly what I've been looking for!Ross Mills [subnova] 12/18/04 3:46 p.m.

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