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Re: back to chemistry/biology...

Posted By: Mav <web_tester226@yahoo.com>
Date: 4 June 2001, 16:51

In Response To: back to chemistry/biology... (3of9)

> I saw this mentioned on the story page forum...but don't know who to give
> credit for the find...

---Oh, it's somewhere down that thread ; P.

> ACG is an abreviation for the amino-acid Threonine...

---That's true. But Hamish's interpretation of ACG possibly meaning 137 (if we do the A=1, B=2 alphanumeric kinda thing) also looks reasonable, especially if we follow that KISS principle (hehehehehehe), and like Hamish said somewhere on the Marathon's Story forum, start with the simplest possible solution and work our way up. I also find it interesting that by using the numbers in the dial, you can actually achieve a sum of 137! Is that coincidence? A trick? I dunno...

> Now...this is strange from my point of view, seeing how I am three of nine
> :-D

---Threonine _does_ kinda sound like 3of9, doesn't it : P. But like everything else we might have correctly deduced thus far, where does it lead us??? :D That I heard a "can't be a bad pun" theory somewhere on some board...that theory does have some credence to it ; ).

> Make of this what you will ;-)

---Frankly, I don't know _what_ to make of this puzzle...but it _is_ fun to tinker with and look at, I must admit.


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