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Posted By: vector40 <vector40@aol.com>
Date: 18 June 2001, 18:28

I just had a thought (quiet, you) and it went like this:
Seeing as this seems to be (SEEMS TO BE emphasis on) purely numerical at this step, I'm worried about something. Claude seems to be telling us to look for self-contained solutions- I take this to mean that each glyph has a separate answer (I mean, different way of getting the answer), and that a single method will not solve for all of them. But...
Look at all of the patterns we're getting!
Quite literally, I could pick through the posts and find 7 random ones, apply them to arbitrarily-chosen glyphs, and get answers for them. And who's to say that it would be wrong? I could then change which formula I used for which glyph and try again. I could keep doing that until I exhausted them- and then just go get 7 fresh glyphs.
So, my question- and my worry- is this: Assuming that, indeed, each glyph needs to be solved seperately- Will Chelsea come forth and tell us when we have the right method for a glyph?

On second thought, the more I think about this, the less likely it seems that the puzzle would be solved this way. But that's sure what it sounded like Claude was saying.

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