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Posted By: TheMaz
Date: 14 June 2001, 01:15

ugh. its late and this is driving me nuts... I can't generate anything except general meta-analysis on this... so lemme throw out what I got and see if anyone can pull something from it:

Why are the glyphs circles? This could very well be a stylistic choice... but arranging numbers in a circle could (i assume) afford a puzzle-maker some degrees of freedom for playing around. So what comes in circles?

1) Clocks. This seems to me the most obvious lead since Chelsea has mentioned clocks before several times... then again... that was before and we don't know how applicable her old clues are to phase 2...

2)Gauges/Dials: This is what I first thought the glyphs were before I even knew there was a puzzle behind them. Maybe they are something like speedometers with their numbers messed up/broken somehow and our goal is to rearrange them

3)Combo Locks: I remember thinking a while back the numbers represented the number of turns one should make from some set point. I couldn't figure out a set point and the # of turns exceeded my spatial capabilities so I forgot about it. Still maybe its a possibility?

4) Compass: Maybe the numbers relate to each other in some spatial way. Like all N facing numbers add up, all S facing numbers add up, and so on. Or maybe there is a pattern of N, W, S, E between the dials or something.

I do think that the circular arrangement has *some* significance.. but then again I've been wrong before...


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