The jury's out on which is worse lol.
For mine I'm still enjoying Destiny, got first raid attempt in last night - a lot of deaths but apparently we got to the last event, which makes the whole thing seem rather short. Mind you I guess that sums up the whole game, rather short on content, even shorter on story.
The reddit post was interesting, and one can easily believe that they had more of a story ready, simply because they could hardly have had less. I think maybe they were trying to do too much, but then again - no one would have been bothered if they had delayed IMO.
There's also the issue of the genre - it's not -really- an MMO, lacking a few too many features really, and while it has a few grinds, it has nowhere near the content of such a game. And it's not really a good competitive FPS because there are advantages even when they remove the level bonuses. In my experience, other players seem to have advantages at least - all they have to do is look at me and I die, while I can empty magazines into them with no effect ><.