
Re: Aleph One issue - resolved
Posted By: treellamaDate: 5/30/06 1:34 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Aleph One issue - resolved (C Lund)

: Nah - the difference isn't that noticable, and I'm quite sure the mac I buy
: this fall (one of Apple's yet-to-come Intel towers, methinks) will be
: quite capable of handling the landscapes at full resolution. (there is or
: will be a version of AO that will run on those macs, yes?)

Well, it will run it for you; but surely you're not the only intended audience? The faster load times with new textures are nice, as well, not to mention the main texture quality preferences (which are superior to the advanced prefs) only work with new texture formats (including landscapes).

There is a Mac OS X SDL Universal Binary build on the sf files page. That's what I use on my macbook pro. It's currently missing mp3 music playback, in addition to the standard SDL missing features (movie playback, MML sound replacement). If you want NIBs on an Intel Mac, you're out of luck, unless someone besides me ports it. You can run it in software fine, but OpenGL seems to be stuck around 15 fps. I think it's a bug with Rosetta.

FWIW, the SDL build captures all VRAM when run fullscreen (which NIBs does not)...might be able to run with landscapes at normal if you use it. You need 10.3.9+ to run this release though (next one will be 10.2 compatible).

: 1) Some time ago, I passed on a request from one of my betatesters to make it
: possible to customise the loading bar. I think you said something about
: implementing that, but I can't find any documentation that covers it. Do I
: remember wrong?

Look for the load_screen tag.

: 2) In some future build, do you think the crosshairs could be set in the
: prefs instead of (or in addition to) by keyboard shortcut? It's not that
: turning on the crosshairs is such a big deal, but it shouldn't be
: necessary to do so each time one plays.

Crosshairs are for the weak, and being made to turn them on each time one plays is an acceptable penalty for being weak :)

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Aleph One issue - resolvedC Lund 5/30/06 7:03 a.m.
     Re: Aleph One issue - resolvedtreellama 5/30/06 8:15 a.m.
           Re: Aleph One issue - resolvedC Lund 5/30/06 1:02 p.m.
                 Re: Aleph One issue - resolvedtreellama 5/30/06 1:34 p.m.
                       Re: Aleph One issue - resolvedC Lund 5/31/06 12:02 a.m.
                             Re: Aleph One issue - resolvedtreellama 5/31/06 2:53 a.m.
                                   Re: Aleph One issue - resolvedC Lund 5/31/06 4:32 a.m.
                                         Re: Aleph One issue - resolvedthermoplyae 5/31/06 6:11 p.m.

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