: Definitely sounds plausible. It could also just be good ol' Hong Kong style
: one-handed reloading stuff. ;)
People said the shotgun seemed to have an autoloading vent and yet require manual cocking... think about it, the player would have more use for a continuous but slow fire rate than an automatic shotgun that needs cover to load - ducking behind cover to reload isn't really the Vid style the player should use - and Durandal knew this, so what he did was sent modified shotguns with a spinny reloading mechanism that allows a constant but slower rate that could be used in this manner.
That, or, much more probably, Bungie just got lazy. Recently I've been working on a game and doing sketches (though at this stage most of the work is in plain ole research and development) and people will *always* go for cooler looks over practicality.
That said, I can't model for shit, and there's no money involved to pay someone to get them done.
Doesn't matter anyway, I won't be able to complete shit until E0's done... at least I've FINALLY done the physics... that reminds me, I need to go off and add switches or something...