: I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, but a thought just struck me.
: On the level Come and Take your Medicine (Terminal 1), Durandal says: “It
: must seem peculiar, fighting the S'pht when they are whom you seek to
: free. You should be told that they deliberately fight poorly, that they
: are constantly resisting their slavers.“
: Now of course, the immediate reaction might be, “Are you sure about that?”
: Even on this level, the S’pht aren’t pushovers, and they sure don’t seem
: to be going easy. But then I thought about the fast-firing S’pht on the
: level “Where Some Rarely Go”.
: Sam Morris on the Story page asks why these S’pht are so much tougher than
: all the rest of the S’pht in the games. Perhaps each S’pht has the ability
: to fight like this, it’s simply that they are holding back during their
: fights with the player. Maybe the experiments that were being conducted on
: the S’pht at Perimeter Garrison 7A removed whatever mental inhibitions
: they had to this kind of fighting.
: While there are a few holes in this theory (like why don’t the Rampant S’pht
: fight like this, or the S’pht in the first game before you ally with
: Durandal), but overall, I think it’s a possibility, unless I’ve missed
: some evidence that would contradict it. Otherwise, I’d love to know what
: you guys think!
I think it's an excuse for 90s game AI, as is sending all the worst pfhor officers to lh'owon for punishment