: Eh, the events that led to him wiping out on a moon in M2 still mostly
: happened at the end of Infinity, so I think he's gone. Given the way he
: acted in the rest of that game, do you really think he wouldn't have done
: some blathering at us in Aye Mak Sicur if he were still around?
I always figured that he high-tailed it after dumping the SO in that arena (it's not like he could do anything about the W'rk, and I doubt he wanted to be anywhere near Tfear again).
: Well, to be fair, I guess you don't really expect great writing from
: something that titles itself "EVIL" in all caps. Not the most
: imaginative name, that.
True. :U Yannow, I actually posted a thread not too long ago about streamlining and making sense of what I knew of EVIL's "plot" at the time.