: Yeah I played SC1 for the first time after having played SC2, so it will
: never be a benchmark for me - I guess it really comes down to time spent
: when the game was current ... although for you possibly not as you weren't
: even born when SC1 was current! WC3 is amazing though, you should try it
: ... graphics that still stand up 12 years later; campaign gameplay and
: storytelling that makes for really a lot of fun. Skirmish gameplay against
: the computer that was just ridiculously hard .. yeah it fell down there,
: but LAN play was great.
I actually don't think I'll buy another Blizzard game ever. It feels just like a waste of time to me. Anyways, to be fair, I criticize SC2 for its story and ignore the gameplay too much. The gameplay is in fact not half bad - certainly not as big of a let-down as its story, and probably worthy of an equal footing with the original game. The biggest addition, for me, is in fact the new ability to change the difficulty of the AI - not being able to do that in the original was always irritating, as it meant that every random map game turned out to be too difficult. Now I can balance the AI to make the game as enjoyable or challenging as I want. The new units are innovative additions to the original Starcraft set (climbing cliffs, moving while burrowed), and the game feels easier to pick up and learn than the original, somehow. I suppose I'll have to get back to playing it and see if I can achieve the same level of thrill as in the original.