
Re: How would you equip your character with 5featu
Posted By: the Battle CatDate: 12/18/03 7:27 a.m.

In Response To: How would you equip your character with 5features? (Starship Security Officer)

: Well, what 5 things would you equip onto your character? No, this cannot be
: anything like "unlimited ammo" or something like that. Something
: realistic. And it has to be something included in the game, not something
: like a nuclear bomb or something. I would equip my guy with these 5
: things: 2 additional shield layers
: Assault Rifle
: Magnum (sometimes, not always, but sometimes it's best to use the magnum, it
: could save your ass in situations where the assault rifle couldn't)
: Maximum ammo capacity for Assault Rifle loaded (both bullets and grenades)
: Maximum ammo capacity for Magnum loaded

: What would YOU equip your person with?

1) Fists for ammo conservation.
2) Extra pistol for accurate and lethal distance shooting.
3) AR for close quarters room clearing and remote switch activation.
4) SMG for undermedia carnage.
5) SPNKR. Because you care enough to send the very best.

Gary Simmons
the Battle Cat

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How would you equip your character with 5features?Starship Security Officer 12/17/03 4:36 p.m.
     Re: How would you equip your character with 5featudeathmonger 12/17/03 4:51 p.m.
           Re: How would you equip your character with 5featuCATS 12/17/03 5:08 p.m.
                 Re: How would you equip your character with 5featuMaxX 12/18/03 7:08 a.m.
                       Re: How would you equip your character with 5featuStarship Security Officer 12/18/03 1:36 p.m.
                             Re: How would you equip your character with 5featudeathmonger 12/18/03 1:48 p.m.
                                   Re: How would you equip your character with 5featuD-M.A. 12/19/03 7:17 a.m.
                             Reload's too long too. *NM*thermoplyae 12/18/03 2:28 p.m.
     Re: How would you equip your character with 5featuthe Battle Cat 12/18/03 7:27 a.m.
           Re: How would you equip your character with 5featuKrazy 12/18/03 5:15 p.m.
     Re: How would you equip your character with 5featuthermoplyae 12/18/03 2:24 p.m.

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