
Rubicon Volunteers - Rozinante VIII
Posted By: Steve LevinsonDate: 7/30/02 4:27 p.m.

Safely back on the Rozinante, Durandal briefs us on our next mission:

When the Pfhor attacked the Salinger, several security measures were triggered, of which the most significant was the automatic destruction of all the live samples of the Achilles virus.


However, this destruction did not include the datafiles . . . I'm pretty sure at least one copy of this data was stolen by the pfhor . . .


Knowing the pfhor, there is nothing they'd rather do than release Achilles on humanity. . . We have some time, but not very much. Don't drop the ball on this mission, a UESC victory in the war is counting on it.

Now wait a minute. You’re only concerned about a UESC victory? How about the possible annihilation of all of humanity! And why are we going back to the Salinger if our goal is to keep the Pfhor from decrypting the data and using it to mass-produce the Achilles virus? Oh well, ours is not to question. It’s time to enter the chapter, Distant Orbit, starting with Prize Payment Schedule.

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