
Re: Maybe the marine DOES have a name...
Posted By: Vegman7Date: 5/26/01 4:30 p.m.

In Response To: Maybe the marine DOES have a name... (Locucious)

Well, the Marathon Man was a security officer on the ship (during the voyage) and the colony (for the next 7 years). But I don't think that message could have been a delayed signal from the Marathon because it was also addressed to Robert Blake, who was a mechanic or something when the Pfhor attacked and remained completely unimportant until Durandal defrosted him on Lh'Owon.

: I was just looking around in the infinity map file, and happened across some
: text from You're Wormfood, Dude:
: http://marathon.bungie.org/story/wormfooddude.html

: It seems to be a delayed transmission from the Marathon, trying to contact
: commander Robert Blake and security chief Jones. Perhaps chief Jones is
: the marine? Then again, it could just as easily be some other security
: officer, although I was under the impression that the marine was the most
: important aboard the ship...

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Maybe the marine DOES have a name...Locucious 5/26/01 1:46 p.m.
     Re: Maybe the marine DOES have a name...Tru7h Seeker 5/26/01 3:14 p.m.
           Re: Maybe the marine DOES have a name...Tru7h Seeker 5/26/01 3:18 p.m.
     Re: Maybe the marine DOES have a name...Vegman7 5/26/01 4:30 p.m.

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