
Re: PID Is The Best
Posted By: NeoptolemusDate: 11/25/03 3:00 p.m.

In Response To: Re: PID Is The Best (Scifiteki)

: No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. If you want to be like Neoptolemus, you
: have to say something like: "omg pid is so damn good i love that
: game. but marathon 1 sucks so much it pulls in nearby countries, and the
: other two are so full of crap it makes me want to puke all day like

: And then you would continue with a four-page diatribe on why PID was the
: best, and how Bungie totally fucked up every single other game they made,
: making sure to couch it in the most offensive language ever. Then you will
: be like Neoptolemus, and everyone will post in your thread. LOL! we lv
: peple wo lv us!!!111 LOL!1

: Service With A Smile: ),
: Scifiteki

: PS Neoptolemus, I'm kidding. Plus I have spent far too much time at Teh
: Badong , and my english skills have devolved into dumb kulture
: "omfgwtflol!!11" humor. Sorry. : D

Ouch. Oh well, that's ok. I'm not THAT bad. I got a little out of control, but I hope everyone knows that I didn't mean to go too far. Anyway, well, though I like M1 the best out of the trilogy AND PID, if there is one thing I think that PID has that Marathon lacks is its ways of survival and stuff. I mean, various items you can pick up with a lot more variety of items, certain crystals that are used for many things, traveling in between levels (kinda like Quake, though I don't really care for that game), and then that searching, resting, examining. Lastly, it's the way you can gain experience with your weapons. It seemed there were more things you could do, IN A WAY, and in some ways, that made it more realistic gameplay. Just my opinion. Bye.

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Pre-2004 Posts


PID Is The BestWhen Yer Strange 11/24/03 7:16 p.m.
     Re: PID Is The Bestukimalefu 11/24/03 8:01 p.m.
     Re: PID Is The BestScifiteki 11/24/03 8:19 p.m.
           Re: PID Is The BestNeoptolemus 11/25/03 3:00 p.m.
                 Re: PID Is The BestTych-Psych 11/26/03 6:21 a.m.
                       Re: PID Is The BestNeoptolemus 11/29/03 2:11 p.m.
                             Re: PID Is The Bestelliott 11/29/03 8:38 p.m.
                 Re: PID Is The Bestelliott 11/28/03 10:08 a.m.
     Re: PID Is The Bestthe Battle Cat 11/25/03 9:15 a.m.

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