
Re: Off-topic
Posted By: Tasnu ArakunDate: 6/14/03 1:30 a.m.

In Response To: Off-topic (Vid Boi)

: But I guess most of us (albeit not as many as a few years ago) use Macs:
: Safari has beaten Exploder! For the first time in the history of mankind
: (I suppose), Microsoft are losing to another company. They have stopped
: developing Exploder for Mac OS X since Safari has become so popular.
: Hooray! ...or?

since its release safari has constantly eaten away at IE (and to some degree Camino/Chimera). people are already seeing safari as the default mac browser and thus microsofts killing of IE is just a natural step for them -- they're not going to spend their time and money on a browser that's only going to be used by a few percent.

to me it's great news, hopefully it will reduce the number of "your browser is too old - download IE now" kind of sites. but, it might just as well reduce the number of sites available to us mac users. today, if a site is IE-only i just go somewhere else, but i know a lot of people who are dependant on these sites. sure, you can keep you old copy of IE, but it will soon start lagging behind the windows version who's expecting a major update soon.

and testing your homepages with the mac version of IE never told you much -- it might still look like shit in the windows version. the mac version is/was a decent browser (altho quite buggy) but the windows version sucked bigtime.

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Pre-2004 Posts


Off-topicVid Boi 6/13/03 2:03 p.m.
     Re: Off-topicJohannes Gunnar 6/13/03 3:07 p.m.
           Re: Off-topicukimalefu 6/13/03 5:22 p.m.
                 Re: Off-topicukimalefu 6/13/03 5:26 p.m.
           Re: Off-topicCount Zero 6/13/03 6:46 p.m.
                 Re: Off-topicD-M.A. 6/13/03 10:50 p.m.
                       Re: Off-topicJohannes Gunnar 6/14/03 1:19 a.m.
                             Re: Off-topicTasnu Arakun 6/14/03 1:36 a.m.
                                   Re: Off-topicVaxuum BOB 6/15/03 11:05 p.m.
                                         Re: Off-topicD-M.A. 6/16/03 1:30 a.m.
                       Re: Off-topicDonPistola 6/14/03 7:29 a.m.
     Re: Off-topicTasnu Arakun 6/14/03 1:30 a.m.
           Re: Off-topicDonPistola 6/14/03 7:35 a.m.
                 Re: Off-topicSteve Levinson 6/14/03 8:14 a.m.

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