
Oni Sevens, Marathon, Power of 7, Music (OT)
Posted By: GrasshopperDate: 12/22/02 9:23 a.m.

In Response To: sevens in Oni (Agent Shem)

: There's probably more. I was also busy looking for the ubiquitous Marathon
: symbol somewhere, but I have not yet found it. It quite possibly could be
: on the ID tags of the scientists, but I can't get a good look to confirm.

There's a part when Konoko complains to a scientist (I'm thinking it's on the TCTF HQ (redux) level) "he (Griffin) made me a monster when I was 07 years old."

As for the Marathon logo... if you have a look at the Oni E3 1998 trailer -- the so called "banned" trailer, there is a fight sequence in a room full of crates (heh, anaphiel), which bear the familiar motif in yellow. Sadly, the last fan to host it (on luna.spaceports.com iirc) just went down, so I don't know where you can find it. I should think most Oni fans have a copy. In fact, I'd bet Hamish has the 400mb version stashed somewhere....

That said, go to alex okita's old site http://www.okita.com/okita/main_menu.html and play the "reel" movie. It's basically a QT movie composition that contains elements of both trailers. At 2:14 (heh), you'll see the Marathon logo.

I just saw Ghost in the Shell last night for the first time, and it got me thinking a bit about one of Oni's shortcomings: the music. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a _huge_ fan of Power of Seven's stuff. This is a purely aesthetic call on my part, I think that PO7's music is quite good, it's just not the kind of stuff that I like. And I love the stuff that Marty did for Oni. But listening to the music that Kenji Kawai composed for Ghost in the Shell made me think how much better the Oni music could have been, and how much more depth it could have added to the gameplay/story. The opening theme "Making of the Cyborg" is the first time in a while I've heard _any_ music that's made me listen to it 20 times in a row. (I'm not kidding).

The kind of emotional depth in that tune is just amazing... try this on: download okita's reel (which has no sound), and play Kawai's composition on top of it.

::off to HMV to buy the Ghost in the Shell soundtrack::


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Pre-2004 Posts


sevens in OniAgent Shem 12/21/02 5:30 p.m.
     Re: sevens in OniRincewind MoG 12/21/02 5:38 p.m.
     Oni Sevens, Marathon, Power of 7, Music (OT)Grasshopper 12/22/02 9:23 a.m.
           Re: Oni Musicpoena.dare #CP# 12/22/02 12:04 p.m.
     Re: sevens in OniAlfred Mordeir 12/23/02 9:09 a.m.

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