
Marathon 2 Plot Outline
Posted By: poena.dare #CP#Date: 10/16/02 8:24 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Remember? (poena.dare #CP#)

Here is the basic text from those scanned pages. I'm still trying to read the handwritten notes in the margin.

Pfhor invasion (antiquity)
-Lh'won razed (marshes into deserts)
-700,000 S'pht taken as slaves

--clans dissolved
--S'pht have excellent aptitude with computers and become the Pfhor's
--cybernetic computer operators (slug like intelligent Being, cybernetic ???
-S'pht royally is slaughtered
--royalty care communicate and influence thousands of S'pht
--generically engineered Pfhor cyborgs take over this role (kill on marathon invasion)
-best effort to assure no S'pht remain alive ?
-planet abandoned
S'pht'Kr citadel
-long abandoned under & above ground

--some mutated native life (breathing native atmosphere), equally hostile
--to pfhor, humans and each other
--lots of Pfhor and their slaves
-mostly reactivated by the Pfhor occupation force
--computers operational, network in disrepair
--some oxygenated areas; pfhor oxygen/energy stations in most others
Events on Tau Ceti after Marathon 1
-Pfhor reinforcements arrived 3 months after Durandal left

--reached Tau Ceti after receiving ansible (FTL) distress signal from the
--original Pfhor scoutship shortly before Durandal's takeover
-the colony is destroyed and enslaved
--Durandal knew this would happen; he discovered a distress signal
--which had been broadcast from the scout timing the takeover, and knew
--the Pfhor would be coming. this is why he transported you off the ship
--instead of leaving you behind as he had originally intended.
Pfhor occupation (modern)
-lead to Lh'won by Tycho

--Tycho easily communicated with the second wave Pfhor’s S'pht when
--they arrived at Tau Ceti
--Tycho related S'pht "myth" of the last free clan, which left Lh'won
--before the Pfhor invasion in antiquity     11th Clan
--the Pfhor in paranoia reason that the S'pht and Durandal have left in
--search of this lost clan, and that they will return to Lh'won to discover
--its whereabouts
--they bring Tycho, leaving the Marathon nearly intact but with Leela
--purged, and a large number of human slaves
-arrived nearly 17 full years ahead of Durandal, free S'pht
--Durandal knows only vaguely the location of Lh'won (ex-marsh world
--in a specific cluster in the core)
--the Pfhor have Lh'won autodial; they take slave revolts seriously
-trying to discover the whereabouts of the lost clan before

--but not doing a very good job; work bas almost entirely stalled
--the Pfhor, have been unable to locate the rogue scoutship and believe it
--lost after so much time
--the garrison has become frat and razy
-Pfhor arrive; reactivate S'pht'Kr complex and begin search
-Durandal, free S'pht arrive with player

--occupation fleet obliterated by Durandal in surprise attack
--forces of Durandal begin extermination of Pfhor garrison and
--exploration of the citadel
-Durandal's ship is wrecked on Lh'won's second moon
--Pfhor reinforcements control the system and they don’t have any bubble
-Boarding of Pfhor corvette by bobs and player
--Durandal drives it into the flagship to slow Pfhor
-S'pht'Kr signaled (desperate battle against the Pfhor)
-Durandal's ship boarded
--Tycho bas convinced the Pfhor that Durandal must be captured
--survivors teleported planetside by Durandal as defense fails
--Durandal is "captured" but Tycho and the Pfhor cannot control him; he
--turns one of the destroyers and begins another orbital firefight
-the free clan arrives; the Pfhor fleet crushed
--lots of fighting planetside
Durandal's Gambit
-large reconnaissance force transported into the citadel

--many human prisoners (i.e., Bobs!) on the alien ship volunteer rather
--than face an indefinite return to the unreliable Pfhor stasis chambers.
--the S'pht are overseeing the exploration from the ship, only transporting
--down when necessary (much like the Marathon invasion)
--the Pfhor are everywhere, in their many manifestations
--Durandal's S'pht are working at reconstructing human the human
--weaponry they encountered on the Marathon, and as a result new
--weapons will come slowly; also, the S'pht will release weapon
--upgrades along the way, providing new mantras to existing weapons.
-Durandal invades through cyberspace
--many, many pieces of the citadel must first be taken by physical means:
--"I have done all I can through the existing S'pht network, but even a
--stunning intellect such as my own cannot solder a loose connection or
--trip a switch from ten thousand miles away."
-must find new S'pht royalty; must find S'pht'Kr
--especially after Durandal is 'beached' on Lh'won's moon, there is no
--other way
--this is a fight against the tyranny of the Pfhor's slavery, but it obviously
--means something more to Durandal - what does Durandal gain from the
--overthrow of the Pfhor? what information? what long-term benefit?
-garrison (x7)

--destroy all Pfhor
--oxygen, human slaves (?), fighters, etc.
--First Contact; Here Today, Gone Tomorrow; Not Pfhor Long
--Durandal provides: pistol, assault rifle, fusion gun
-citadel (x7)
--exploration and activation of abandoned structures
--some pfhor, mostly wild (neutral) native creatures
--Durandal starts using angry bobs
--ammunition from Durandal; pistol ammunition from dead bobs;
-corvette (x5)
--Durandal flees Pfhor fleet, crashes (hidden) on second moon
--Pfhor control the sky
--player and bobs attack and subvert Pfhor corvette
--Durandal crashes the corvette into the flagship carrier
--alien guns on dead aliens; very little ammunition from Durandal
-gambit (x4)
--"we have no resources for an offensive; we must locate the S'pht'Kr" - (11th CLAN)
--descent to an even more abandoned segment of the
--Durandal deduces their new homeworld, sends ansible signal
--S'pht weapons and ammunition on skeletal S'pht;
-invaders (x3)
--Durandal's ship is discovered on the moon, and is attacked
--the Pfhor, at Tycho’s insistence, wish to capture Durandal intact
--the defense fails; the ship is taken: Durandal teleports survivors down to
--the planet "abandon ship!" to try their luck with the Pfhor
-endgame (x4)
--the S'pht'Kr arrive, annihilating the Pfhor fleet

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Pre-2004 Posts


Remember?Dah Hulk.au 10/15/02 5:24 a.m.
     Re: Remember?Scifiteki 10/15/02 5:59 a.m.
     Re: Remember?Vid Boi 10/15/02 6:35 a.m.
           Re: Remember?Mazilurik 10/15/02 10:41 a.m.
                 Re: Remember?Hamish Sinclair 10/15/02 11:48 a.m.
                 Re: Remember?Count Zero 10/15/02 5:35 p.m.
                       Re: Remember?Dah Hulk.au 10/15/02 11:31 p.m.
                       Re: Remember?poena.dare #CP# 10/16/02 12:31 a.m.
                             Re: Remember?Hamish Sinclair 10/16/02 1:33 a.m.
                                   Re: Remember?poena.dare #CP# 10/16/02 6:59 a.m.
                                         Marathon 2 Plot Outlinepoena.dare #CP# 10/16/02 8:24 a.m.
                                         Re: Remember?Hamish Sinclair 10/16/02 10:11 a.m.
                 :: chopped liver ::Miguelito 10/17/02 1:30 a.m.

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