
Has Anyone ever noticed?
Posted By: darakatDate: 10/21/02 5:04 a.m.

The Picture Durundal uses in almost every Term screen in Marathon 2 (and some in ?) http://marathon.bungie.org/story/terms/m2/durandalterm.gif
looks very much like the center of the Level Carrol Street Station in ? and a Level of a very similar nature (can't rember the name as the marathon 2 map Is not editable/useable on my current config) on Marathon 2. Just the center bit mind, notice how all the white bits are where all the paths are and the center bit is were you fall down to smash the last control circuit. The rest of the simalaities are obvious. I am pretty sure somone else probebly noticed this and what I say is old news but I have had a pretty good look through the arcives.

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