
Re: The unreachable room in the Pathways Demo A1
Posted By: GodotDate: 7/8/24 12:16 p.m.

In Response To: The unreachable room in the Pathways Demo A1 (President People)

: I used Torch to dig a hole to the hidden room to see what was inside. It's
: empty, save for a door that's untextured on the narrow ends:

: Viewed from the right angle, the walls behind the empty space appear
: untextured as well:

: And another:

: You can get up quite close to the door. No negative space, though:

: But if you wait 77 minutes after eating the Easter Egg, what happens? A
: cardboard box appears? Containing the combined blue and yellow crystal?!
: Nope.

: Wait… Oh no. It's coming this way!

Seven men in overcoats jump from the shadows and
carry you away. You are never heard from again.

So the seven people who read the Story forum now know the tru7h about the doorway.

Lasciate Ogne Speranza, Voi Ch'Intrate.


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The unreachable room in the Pathways Demo A1President People 7/7/24 7:57 p.m.
     Re: The unreachable room in the Pathways Demo A1Godot 7/8/24 12:16 p.m.

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