Since its founding by Hideo Murakami in 2152, Sekiguchi Electronics has continued to lead the industry. With superconductivity and quantum computer systems as our core businesses, we also actively entered related fields to promote diversification. In 2157, the company also entered the automotive and robotics industries, which were very successful. In 2158, Sekiguchi Electronics manufactured the first artificial brain implant module. In 2192, the company began manufacturing a variety of prostheses and aids, and in 2459, it began manufacturing full-body prostheses that fused industry-leading prostheses with high-tech components.
Since the development of the first artificial brain implant module, the Sekiguchi Group has successively created "first-ever" and groundbreaking technologies in all business fields of the solar system. From maintenance robots to autonomous vehicles to the latest high-performance biomata, the Sekiguchi Group continues to be at the forefront of technological originality and product innovation in this solar system.