The story page does an excellent job of showing terminals and maps for the trilogy, and I thought it would be good to have something like this for a bunch of 3rd party scenarios that have been created over the years. Some old scenarios have probably been forgotten about, or are just difficult to get running, so I wanted something more accessible for people that are curious about them.
Maybe you'll even find something that you weren't previously aware of that looks interesting to you, and it will inspire you to play something new.
Note that this doesn't include any scenarios made for marathon 1, as I don't have tools available to extract this information easily. Thanks to Hopper for the tool to create the maps, and irons for the tool to generate all the HTML for the terminals. Maybe one day I'll look into using fracai's improved map stuff, if I can figure out how to run it against arbitrary scenarios.
Anyway, here's the scenarios page.