: Stephen... King? For a second I thought you said Stephen Hawk ing, an
: actual credible source on unified field theory. I just got done with A
: History of Time and the evidence for multiverse theory is piling up. He
: describes the universe itself as a boundless yet finite 4-dimensional
: sphere of space-time, so other timelines we could branch into are still
: part of this "universe" as that's defined. Other universes would
: be completely separate from this one, even going back to the "big
: bang" singularity beginning of "time"... which should mean
: they are part of something bigger that contains them all. And what if
: there's multiple macroverses? What's containing all that? Turtles all the
: way down!
Hawking is indeed a better source of information but I know less about his work on the real thing other than that he studied black holes. What you describe Stephen Hawking saying in his book however sounds exactly like how I see the universe/multiverse, just worded differently and leaving out the bit about the Macroverse and border worlds like Xen and Duat.
I guess Stephen King looked at Hawking's work for inspiration and I must have stumbled on similar conclusions to them all both the King's work and other books & video games in general, Marathon being one of them, especially Infinity and Eternal X 1.03.