: The idea behind Forge+ is to be able to create Aleph One maps within Unity,
: so having it edit OBJ maps would defeat the purpose, unless I’m missing
: something big here. That said, Weland already has an OBJ exporter to write
: Aleph One maps to OBJ format, although I haven’t tested it.
: There’s also no point in reconverting the M1 maps to M2 format; it’s already
: been done several times. The conversions bundled with Aleph One 1.0 were
: probably as faithful as you can get in M2 format (see link below), and
: there’s no point in wasting your time doing it again. (I would not
: recommend playing M1 this way – there are too many differences in
: behaviour between M1 and M2 for it to be a faithful experience. However,
: it’s probably acceptable for just testing stuff in Unity.)
: Now, if you want something like EMR 1.0, Phoenix Rising, Operation Tantalus,
: or Noah’s Ark in Aleph One format, you’ll have to do those yourself.
: (There’s already an M2 port of Trojan as well. There’s also EMR 2.0 and
: 3.0, but those are both way different from EMR 1.0.)
: I should also mention the abandoned MUnity project, which seemed to have
: gotten to a fairly impressive state before being abandoned.
: https://github.com/Trichosurus/munity If you’re serious about wanting to
: get Marathon running in Unity, it’s worth taking a look at, especially
: since Forge+ has also built on MUnity (and Weland). If you can save
: yourself work by building on others’ accomplishments, I’d advise doing so,
: since it reduces the likelihood that you burn yourself out before
: completing the project. (The one caveat is that, since MUnity and Forge+
: are both GPL, that does mean you’re required to release derivatives of
: them under the GPL or equivalent terms as well.)
Maybe I should explain.
I use Weland to export obj maps then add normals and textures with blender.
Having a program that can export a obj textured map would save time importing it to Unity.
I converted the m1 maps so Weland can read it.
The M1A1 maps have been modified and I want the originals.
I use stencil buffer portals in Unity because the MUnity project didn't work properly with my Hypercube map.
MUnity used some kind of plane clipping and I use stencil buffer portals.
I will use the textures and sprites from M1A1.
I get texture coordinates from pfhorte.
I have fun editing the maps so they function properly in Unity.