: I see it as you (the Security Officer) are the artist; your medium being your
: ability to manipulate time and travel between parallel timelines. Through
: trial and error we gain discipline in that art and durability in our
: ability to carry on despair failure pain and death.
: "He explains that the artist is more free to act when discipline has
: taught him his skills and limitations."
: To me this means you have a greater understanding of your abilities and
: limitations. You are more free to manipulate time once you know more about
: what you can and can't do.
Also I'm on record questioning whether or not terminal messages were placed correctly in dream levels. I maintain that the terminals in Where are Monsters in Dreams were switched where the "Hangar Ninety Six" teminal should have lead to Aie Man Sicur and the "Subway" terminal should have lead to Acme Station