I recently downloaded the OSX port of Weland for my MacBook with the intent to use my Mac to make Marathon maps.
However, this is about the second or third time I've asked, but when I tried to run Weland for the first time, I got this error that prevents it from running:
Unhandled Exception
at (wrapper managed-to-native) IgeMacIntegration.IgeMacMenu:ige_mac_menu_set_menu_bar (intptr)
at IgeMacIntegration.IgeMacMenu.set_MenuBar (Gtk.MenuShell value) [0x00016] in :0
at Weland.MapWindow.DoMacIntegration () [0x00000] in :0
at Weland.MapWindow..ctor (System.String title) [0x00432] in :0
at Weland.Weland.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00052] in :0
I do not understand this error nor how to fix it as I am new to using Macs. (even then I was never an expert with Windows either) I installed Mono framework like it asked as well, but it just gave me the above error every time I tried to open the app.
I posted about this in my last thread but nobody replied except for Irons, who told me that nobody was going to help me. (which was rude and uncalled for; If he didn't have anything nice or helpful to say, he should not have posted. but I digress)
Is there a way to fix this error? How do I get Weland OSX to run? It runs fine on Windows, but I want to do the lion's share of my mapmaking on my Mac as I can spare more disk space.