Aside from parts of Five Finger Discount and Hairy Legs, the beginning and ends of the Pfhor Plank, and most of the secret levels, I think I've managed to grab a goodly chunk of the Rubicon X terminals. However, there's two levels that are stymieing me:
* That terminal in Blasted Vent Cores that's next to the first shield recharger. In vanilla Rubicon, this was where Charlie said that you were in the right chip-insertion room, but in X--due to some porting error, maybe--both the terminal and the recharger are busted, so I can't grab the messages off the former.
* The secret terminal in "Not THIS again..." Couldn't find it, even after sweeping the level, and I'm not sure if it was retained in X. (It's the poem with the Salinger logon)
If anyone could get those for me (frames and everything, preferably, as that's how I'm saving them), I'd be grateful.
Note that I already got clever and tried to use DTB--plan being to recolour the text to how it's meant to display, and superimpose that over a frame. The file I tested said plan with apparently didn't like being taken from Mac to Windows.