Yeah, so, I was gone for three months. Believe it or not, that wasn't entirely due to my laziness (the key phrase here being 'entirely') - the main reason for my absence was I didn't have access to wi-fi for most of that three months. To be honest, I should have expected it and let you all know in advance I'd be MIA, but my anticipation failed me. I really am terribly sorry about that.
Well, now that I do have some reasonably stable wi-fi, I'm back in business, ready at last to assist in the on-going Tour of Duty! :)
Over the past three months, I must admit, my sci-fi horizons have expanded significantly, as I've played the entirety of the Mass Effect series and am currently in the process of gradually watching the better episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series. The former was truly astounding, and the latter is simply hilarious.
Anyways, I don't really have much to say, other than...