: At first glance it looks plausible. I was just pointing out that one of your
: points of evidence (the different timelines remembering events from
: others) is accounted for by the prevailing theory too.
: The teat to diatinguish between them would be to closely examine the end of
: each earlier timeline and see if those events are consistent with the past
: of the next later timeline. I suspect inconsistencies will be found.
I'd be interested to see what people can come up with. I did a playthrough, and the only thing I noticed between Despair and Rage2 was K'lia starting to enter orbit at the end of Despair. However, it was only entering at the time, and we don't know how long it takes to move an entire moon into a solar system. Also, Tycho, and by extension the Pfhor, didn't seem too concerned about it, seeming to focus their attention mainly on capturing/destroying Durandal, so it makes sense that K'lia wouldn't start affecting things immediately.
The other thing that has come up on some of the previous playthroughs on this board—that Tycho had the nova device and was willing to use it—seems like it would still be true of Rage2, as we don't see anything there to contradict it. So, that feels to me like a red herring.
I was not able to find any contradictions at all between Rage2 and Envy.