: In making the maps, you could do them Strife style with Aleph One, if A1
: supports that kind of semi-seamless open world Metroidvania RPG style.
Alas, I have neither programming nor map-making skills, and I dunno if AlephOne can be made to allow jumping or crouching (let alone anything like the Morph Ball).
: Maybe Vincent Callaghan is the name of the hacker in System Shock 1 in a 5D
: dimension. (parallel universe, not timeline) with SHODAN being a mixture
: of all 3 Marathon AI's with her Tycho side (her "rottenness" as
: Ivo might put it) being that of the Pfhor-built clones and not the
: original Tycho.
Not sure about the Hacker being one of Vince's counterparts, but funny you should bring up System Shock--I've had images of SHODAN attempting to hijack Vince for her own ends, since he has exactly the sorts of skills she could utilize. That's probably for another topic entirely, though.