: Looking up about the hidden skulls in Halo 2 is a scary business; most can
: only be found playing on legendary ... and that is a whole order of
: magnitude beyond what it is in CE :(. One melee hit = death, and it seems
: like two bullet hits = death. I can pop out for less than a second versus
: elites and bang I'm dead. I couldn't get far enough in the first proper
: level to find the skull ... so I'm back on normal and will just deal; now
: I can see what people were talking about - wth did they do with my health
: bars? Yay my shields recharge faster ... but they also drop from enemies
: just looking at me; doesn't seem like a fair trade.
Huh? You mean that one measly magnum bullet is enough to break your overshield? I thought that's what was supposed to make charging the fusion pistol special... that's like marathon netgames where magnums can also hurt invincible cyborgs, making fusion moot.
I mean, what did the w'rkncacncter do, fire a magnum to remove the shield on Tfear's battleship? I think hard should be hard, but it should also make sense.