Here's a quote from Chris
: Geisel: "Greg and I designed this map together from start to
: finish,
: hence the name. We made it towards the end of the summer, and made great use
: of
: Vulcan's 'copy and paste' to make the winding, organic hallways where Bob is
: kept
: locked in the basement. About this time I was reading a book that mentioned
: the
: French philosopher Bataille (sp?), and a group of conceptual artists called
: the
: Survivalists. Anyway, they'd make pieces that would test people: test their
: empathy, and test their suicidal tendencies. I think the point was that they
: believed that you were only truly Alive when you were in danger, so they'd
: make
: machines that would spin people around while randomly firing flamethrowers
: and
: other deadly things. This was the inspiration for the Bob-o-lator, our
: Infinity
: empathy test."
I think we failed that test.
Anyway, fantastic writeup :)