: in "The 'Try Again' Term" story page, Sarwat Khan
: sarwat@interlog.com > writes: back in the old days Apple provided a
: development environment called "Macintosh Programmer's Workshop"
: (MPW) which was used to create most of the software until the independent
: MetroWerks CodeWarrior IDE (favored by Bungie themselves) showed up. the
: main 'interface' in MPW was a unix-like console in which compiler warnings
: and errors showed up. i don't remember if CodeWarrior had something like
: this (it has been about 15 years since i last used it!). anyway: Bungie
: programmers would have seen a lot of this type of warnings while coding
: Marathon, even if it was on a CodeWarrior compiler results window :)
And don't forget the Codewarrior CD.
I quote:
"Packed full of Marathon, Pathways Into Darkness, and even Minotaur goodies. Some of the stuff is so hot we can't mention it. A veritable gold mine for Marathon memoriabila collectors."