: Somewhere on this level (though I'm afraid I failed to put it on my map
: guide) there's another terminal with some Pfhor Troopers nearby. It's
: another S'pht terminal:
Somewhere? It burns! I guess I can understand your not playing through all of this level in preparation, as it is annoying and aimless, and one tends to die, but kind of an important detail for our purposes. From the start we run forwards and turn left - dodge the drones and jump into the water heading north. Around a corner we see a lit corridor heading off diagonally - this leads to a staircase, at the top of which we try to avoid the Trooper and head right, through the door and around the corner - to find the compiler and the terminal. I must admit I had not made the connection between that compiler and the terminal - but then again I had missed the point with the Infinity ones as well until Volunteers ><. So we were both at fault lol.
I also remember something about an untextured ceiling above the water on this level somewhere. Ahh yes, inside the narrow passage at the left middle of the map - looking up we see only blackness, and maybe a bit of lava showing??