: I wouldn't put this at the top of my list of reasons for fixing. There is a
: much better one. In the low gravity of the original game it is very easy
: to find yourself falling off (or being struck off) narrow walkways into
: the Pfhor goo. This has happened a number of times to me now near the
: start of Two Times Two Equals. Get struck in quick succession by a few
: Pfhor Fighter bolts in this area and you are literally airborne and
: ignominiously dumped into a goo bath. It is very handy to fire up the
: flame thrower to get yourself out of these unfortunate predicaments.
: Has saved my bacon a few times. :)
Yep, another good reason to get this fully working -- when I fell off these ledges, assuming I had enough shields, I would have to blast myself back up using a grenade.