: : As has been intimated in another thread flying (via the flamethrower or
: alien
: I've said this before, but even in the latest beta you can still keep
: yourself in the air and in fact propel yourself even higher using the
: Flamethrower. However, I don't think you can actually 'take off' with it -
: you'll need to already be in the air. There's a few opportunities for this
: in Unpfhorgiven, but hardly any in Pfhor Your Eyes Only...
You are describing an M2/MI behavior, lofting after you get a bit of a lift from a step or similar. In the original Marathon, with either the flamethrower or alien weapon, you could back yourself up against a wall, aim down, apply firepower, and jet yourself straight up along the wall. Fairly vital in Ain't Got Time For This so you can jet back up to the shield recharger at the start of the level. So yes, this needs to be fixed.