: As has been intimated in another thread flying (via the flamethrower or alien
: weapon) in the low gravity environment of the Pfhor ship hasn't been
: implemented yet. In the original game you can use either weapon to access
: the secret area without using the lift. But why you would want to do this
: I don't know since the lift is quite convenient. However there are other
: high areas you can access, including getting back to the start the quick
: way. Aside from this it's just cool to fly over your enemies as they gaze
: in stunned disbelief at the tool of their destruction. ;)
I've said this before, but even in the latest beta you can still keep yourself in the air and in fact propel yourself even higher using the Flamethrower. However, I don't think you can actually 'take off' with it - you'll need to already be in the air. There's a few opportunities for this in Unpfhorgiven, but hardly any in Pfhor Your Eyes Only...