: I'm not saying they're all the exact same race. That is, in fact, the very
: heart of my theories; these different 'Pfhor' are all similar, but not the
: same. They are related for sure, but also different. What I've been trying
: to explain is why that could be.
Division of labor/ talent; augmented by genetic differentiation. I think that is the gist of what you are expressing.
: That's not slavery, by my reckoning. That's a slave winning his freedom and,
: if I may use the expression, hitting the ground running. Maybe somebody
: who's read the Bible (I haven't, unfortunately) can correct me, but I
: don't think that becoming a Vizier can possibly count as still being a
: slave.
Now you made me look it up. :-O My point is that a slave can rise through the ranks and be given responsibilities (the literary example of Joseph being made Ruler over Egypt). That stuff is in Gen. 41. But see below.
: Also, quick sidenote, that whole 'One should store the surplus grain because
: there's gonna be a huge famine' doesn't seem incredibly smart; it seems
: downright obvious, in fact. That the Egyptians could build an
: infrastructure on that scale and not figure out the obvious solution to
: a famine seems a bit absurd. Just my quick two cents on that piece.
That would seem logical. But then again, now that we are in the 21st century, are you aware of any nations (or UN organizations) which have a similar program in place? In fact, if it were, world hunger might be alleviated (with the proper shipping protocols in place). Apparently logic and reality are not a perfect fit, even in our enlightened age. But all that is off topic; my example was dealing with slavery and was not intended to get into the rationality of Old Testament thought. Now to specify a followup point. Besides an example of a slave rising above his expectations, I find it interesting that an assumption is made that the Pfhor think like humans. We should make no such assumption. In Pfhor society, it may well be that slaves can rise in rank and duties (and perhaps still remain slaves).