: In the Rage part 2 timeline you do work with Durandal for a short time at the
: end of Foe Hammer. Unfortunately one of Durandal's terminal messages is
: the wrong colour (red rather than green) which doesn't help. So it is not
: an all Tycho timeline as in Despair or an all Durandal timeline as in Rage
: part 1.
: The same is true in the Envy timeline. You start out working for Tycho, then
: Thoth and then the reborn Durandal-S'pht entity.
Er, I suppose I should clarify: I don't mean levels where you're on a mission Durandal gave you, but timlines where Durandal brought you to Lh'owon. On Foe Hammer and the end of Envy, you're still in a Tycho-dominated timeline, just switching allegiances. Which is great and I wouldn't change; I just find the very brief interlude back into a Durandal-dominated timeline, when most of the game is in Tycho-dominated ones, seems rather odd.
(Although I must admit that the switching allegiances within a single timeline, combined with switching between timelines, does make the story perhaps more confusing than it needs to be. For instance, it wasn't until this recent batch of re-analysis that it dawned on me that when Durandal greets you as "old friend" on Foe Hammer, he's speaking to you as someone he hasn't seen in the 17 years since Marathon; despite the fact that, dreams and failed endings aside, we were just working under him two levels ago.)