: Umm... so I was just writing some Eternal Director's Commentary stuff that
: Jon Irons asked me to write up a long time ago, and I went to check on a
: chapter screen to make sure I commented on it correctly and... it doesn't
: appear to be loading. None of them do. I checked all my settings,
: restarted the computer even, no load. I even remerged the whole map file,
: nothing. ResEdit shows all the correct resources in the correct places but
: still nothing. I checked FC5 and it still works fine. Is anybody else
: having this problem? Does anybody have any ideas why this might be
: happening? I need to fix this and get a 1.0.1 up damn quick...
Fsck. Somehow the CLUT resources got deleted from the Terminal Picts file. I haven't touched that file in forever, no idea how the hell that happened. But recreating it fixed the problem. Grr. Reuploading now...