Its kinda Long:
Sorry for asking for help here but many lvls in Marathon Eternal are quite hard.
Anyway in this lvl i have to get a Chip and insert it somewhere else. I came into a room in which i was told on a Terminal to find some certain Chip. I then get teleported somewhere else in the lvl (i think). Later i come across a room which is full of lava which has steps on the other side which lead to 2 switches, a terminal, and a Purple Recharger (later on in the lvl i find a switch that causes the lava to disappear from this room). You also get the Chip here. Then i hit a switch which caused the whole area which i had originally started (before i was given the assignment in getting a chip)to flood with lava. There is some sort of window next to this switch in which i can see a Save Terminal looking down on the floor and the area in which i started this lvl. I then wonder around the lvl trying to find where to put this chip so i can complete the lvl.
I then come to the conclusion that i have to get back to where i was told to get the Chip to complete the lvl (i think that is where i insert the chip). The problem is that there is a bunch of lava that has flooded my starting area of the lvl so i cant go that way which will lead me to the room in which i was told to get the Chip. I have checked on the map and that is the only way to get there. So i click the switch (the one i clicked before which flooded the room before)which caused the lava to sink to the ground and disappear. I thought my problems were over which is false.
Now you see originally the only way i can reach this place is by running of some type of bridge (it wasn't really a bridge but more like a narrow path)and then swimming in the Lava and to the Save Terminal. Now when i clicked the switch (which caused the lava in that big room to disappear)i found out that i can still not get to the Save Terminal (and beyond) because there was a big type of ditch in between the Save Terminal and the Land next to it which was not flooded (which leads to the area i need to go to) and the Narrow Path. In this Ditch was Lava. The Lava was not leveled with the piece of Land (which had the Save Terminal so if i run off the Narrow Path i still can not reach that Saved Terminal and beyond.
So now it seems like im stuck. The only way i can reach that area is if i Flood that Huge Room and area which will cause me to die if i try to pass it.