: Ya i had to go through a Purple Stream (dont know the name of the stuff)which
: led me to a Teleporter which teleported me to that Cargo Area. I went into
: a room which had a bunch of types of Pfhor which looked like they were in
: Statis chambers (they did not attack me unless i shot first) so i killed
: everyone in that room. But i heard there were 2 cargo holds. I think i
: know where the other one is but there are several doors which wont open so
: i cant get to it.
The area with the Pfhor in statis chambers is not the cargo hold; that was the "hive" that Tycho mentioned. That teleporter you took was just an evacuation teleporter out of the Ubiquitous Pfhor SlimeŽ, which happened to take you near to the Hive entrance (but you could have gotten there another way). You have to follow the slime further, really dive down into it, to find the back route to the cargo hold. You have to take such a roundabout route because the Pfhor inside locked the doors to keep you out.