: Ok i am playing May The Pfharce Be With You in Marathon Eternal. It seems i
: have to kill the remaining crew on the Pfhor ship. So now i cant seem to
: find anyone else to kill and there are a few doors that will not open up
: and i cant find anymore switches. I have to go back to the Terminal (with
: Tycho)once i completed my mission but it seems like im not done. There is
: something strange that happened which involves a glitch. There is this
: green Hunter i found which when i get near him he disappears also he cant
: be killed. Must be some glitch. Also there is a door behind him which will
: not open. If im not specific enough on what i need help on just say so.
I think I've seen that hunter, but there is no such hunter placed on the map, so I can't delete him or do anything to fix that bug.
Also, have to gone for a swim yet? Remember, Tycho says the Pfhor in the cargo hold may be rather hard to get to...