: At the level "Sakhmet rising" (who's Sakhmet?)
Hey, someone finally asked!
In Egyptian mythology, Hathor was the wife (and possibly daughter) of Ra the Sun-God. She was a giving and loving mother-goddess, a fertility goddess, the goddess of wine and music... sex drugs and rock and roll, basically. The kind of really cool mom-god that every ancient cult wishes they had. Until one day when she got pissed and decided to try to destroy mankind, while going under the name of "Sakhmet". Thankfully Ra subdued her with large amounts of alcohol, and she passed out and woke up good ol' Hathor again the next day. There may be parallels with Eternal's story to be found in there somewhere.
Lots of Eternal's level titles (and other snippets) are full of little tidbits like this. If you see something curious or interesting, ask me questions! Or speculate on answers. Either way, it's fun :-)
: you get a message
: from Hathor at the end and u get teleported to the next level. I don't
: really want to join Hathor's side (cuz she wants to take revenge on the
: human race) is it possible to complete the level without joining Hathor's
: side? I heard in another thread that one way to complete the level ends up
: in a failed timeline. Am I supposed to take Hathor's side or the human's
: side?
You don't have to take Hathor's side; just don't finish that terminal, or don't read it to begin with, and go finish your mision. But I'm not telling which is the "right" path to take (not that that isn't easy to find out accidentally if you read these forums). You have to decide that on your own, and see how things go. Bearing in mind that if you take the "wrong" path, you'll probably get to see some cool shit that you might otherwise miss, and then get a second chance when everything goes to hell later on.