: I'm almost certain that it's stated somewhere that Blake doesn't have an
: ocular implant. Moreover, Craig was given a lot of leeway in the art that
: he drew, and you can't really consider any of it canon. Does the Marine
: ever get to pick up a shock staff? Does he have a minigun, and is there a
: desert level? What about the modernized S'pht hanging in the Citadel
: chapter screen and the serious incongruencies it has with the story?
: These might not be satisfying answers, but they're realistic ones.
Yeah, I suppose. I remember there being a debate over whether or not the implant could be removed. It would make sense, I suppose. You'd never see the gaping hole behind that shadow. That, and the way the Security Officer's uniform changes in almost every single picture, from a plain uniform to full battle armor. The only thing that never really changes is the visor. It does make me wonder if the original intent of the picture was to depict the security officer, and not Blake, but Bungie changed it for their own purposes.