: Well... it's the same picture, but when Bungie got it, it appears that they
: not only cropped it and darkened it, they also cut out the helmet. If I
: remember, the greens were technicians, the blues were engineers, and the
: browns were security. Which would explain why the browns are the toughest
: of the bunch. In every picture we see of Blake, he has one eye in
: darkness. It's possible that the implant is hidden in shadow. Though the
: side he has in darkness in all the terminal pictures is the side in the
: light in the chapter screen. If the chapter screen was, in fact,
: originally intended to be the SO, this might explain that.
I'm almost certain that it's stated somewhere that Blake doesn't have an ocular implant. Moreover, Craig was given a lot of leeway in the art that he drew, and you can't really consider any of it canon. Does the Marine ever get to pick up a shock staff? Does he have a minigun, and is there a desert level? What about the modernized S'pht hanging in the Citadel chapter screen and the serious incongruencies it has with the story?
These might not be satisfying answers, but they're realistic ones.